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The missing CloudFormation tool

Results 30 stack_master issues
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I tried to run `stack_master status` in an environment with a few stacks and unfortunately I got no results due to a parameter missing: ``` error: Unable to resolve parameter...

Updates the requirements on [cfn-nag]( to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from cfn-nag's releases. v0.6.23 Changes Fix Accept header for Github Action dispatch @​arothian (#516) Commits 427e432 Fix...


When running `stack_master`, and the current account's ID isn't in the (non-empty) list of `allowed_account` values, it attempts to fetch account aliases to check if these match. If the current...

Hi, it would be easy to implement and easy to use erb templates for parameter_files. So we could use some variables inside (even load some other general parameter files inside)....

Print out the expectation that the parameter should be under a specific key.

Had a case where I was about to copy a bunch of SSM keys to another region and then realised that there was a better way. Struggled with trying to...

### Steps 1. `stack_master compile ap-southeast-2 ruby_ecr 2>/dev/null >template.yaml` ### Expected behaviour `template.yaml` is a valid YAML file, and can be applied as a CloudFormation template. ### Actual behaviour `template.yaml`...

Apart from well defined changes, resources may be also conditionally replaced. This should be annotated in the proposed changes. Also change the colour to red for potential replacements.

When using a region alias with an underscore the apply hangs for a long time. Looking at the traceback it's continuously retrying connecting to the CloudFormation API. I suspect that...

is there a way to enable "--enable-termination-protection" to avoid rollbacks?