Ayush Srivastava
Ayush Srivastava
I would like to work on the bug. Please assign me this issue.
I think there is a problem with props with Forward Refs in ListItem.Input.tsx . I will try to debug it.
Can you guide me in setting up the project? I followed the Contributing Guidelines but didn't work.
While I was starting example app, I was getting this error: "While resolving module `@react-native-elements/base/dist/Avatar/Avatar`, the Haste package `@react-native-elements/base` was found. However the module `dist/Avatar/Avatar` could not be found within...
Hello Sir, I have got confused with the project structure. In example app every component is being imported from "themed". Should I make changes in packages/base OR packages/themed ? Also...
The component ListItemInput despite being enclosed in React.forwardRef is generating this warning. "Warning: Function components cannot be given refs. Attempts to access this ref will fail. Did you mean to...
Yes Its working fine now. Seems ref in themed package is issue. What should I do ?
The issue is fixed. ListItem.Input now is focusable using refs.
Update: I have converted the ListItem.Input to a class based component and passed the ref along. Now it is working with themed also. Please help me create a PR. Should...
@amie-wilt @arpitBhalla I'm gonna take up this bug. If any updates, then please let me know.