enable copied to clipboard
Limitations of the DragTool
Let's discuss limitations of the DragTool
. Feel free to jump on in or link to new, existing or past issues.
The purpose of this issue is to collect ideas for improving the DragTool
Both out-of-bounds and canceling behavior go through the cancel_drag
method. It is not possible to provide differing behavior for these two events without reimplementing or overloading some of the private interface. See a related discussion in #89.
You can only have one modifier key set for initiating a drag (so no chording like Shift-Ctrl-LeftButton). See the value drag tool for an example of how to do multiple modifier keys. This would be a backwards-incompatible change, if it were pushed down into the DragTool proper.
The information about what initiated a cancel should be in the event, so sub-classes can distinguish between the two cases.
I agree that simplifying the class, and making typical behaviors accessible through parameters rather than sub-classing, should be possible.