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Ente on Android using crazy amounts of data
Describe the bug The Android app consistently uses high amounts of background data.
Mobile data usage over the past few months: 28 Sep - 26 Oct: 68GB 31 Aug - 28 Sep: 101GB 3 Aug - 31 Aug: 93.21GB.
Most recent period, 13 Oct - 10 Nov is 65.04Gb.
I've submitted logs via the app just now.
Thank you.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Only use an amount of data proportional to the usage of the app and photos taken.
I take 5-10 photos a week.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Smartphone (please complete the following information):
- Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
- OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
- App Version [e.g. 22]
Pixel 6, Android, v0.7.103
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.
I spoke with the support team (through reporting a bug on the app) and a couple of videos were stuck and kept trying to re-upload. One was 400Mb, the other 800Mb.
It would be great if after failing to upload a file a few times, it marks as failed for manual review in the app.
I've kept the app in the foreground on my phone and now they're successfully uploaded and I'm keeping an eye on usage over the next week or so before reporting back.
I only see app data aggregated for a month period with no way to reset non-operator usage but each day this total has been dropping and currently stands at 13Gb for 2-30 November being 13.2GB.
So, this repeated failed upload was the cause.
So the root cause of this bug is fixed but the issue of silent failed uploads remain - up to @enteio whether they want to keep this open to track that aspect.
Thanks for the prompt help through the app support function!
We will keep this ticket open. Shipping both resumable upload and limiting the amount of retry for a file upload is a high-priority item for us. We will pick it up soon after finishing the current in-flight tasks.
@jonathantullett Thank you for understanding and your patience.
Same problem here on one of the two phones. And the strange thing is: It is backing up over mobile data although that is deactivated in the settings. Any suggestion, why that is happening?
@teilzeitutopist could you please confirm if you're using a VPN?
On this device I only sometimes use a VPN when in a public WIFI on holidays. That was the case in December/January, when the problem first occured. But I'm pretty sure I didn't in February. And the problem is still there. For now I blocked the access to mobile data of the ente-app via the integrated firewall of CalyxOS. But will it be fixed also for existing failed files, so that I can unblock it?
will it be fixed also for existing failed files
Once you allow network access, Ente will automatically retry failed files