**Adam Obuchowicz** reports a new **STANDUP** for today (2024-02-02): **Progress:** Gathered some CI failures related to new tests from CI. Examined and created PR with fixes. Also made another PR...
**Adam Obuchowicz** reports a new **🔴 DELAY** for today (2024-02-21): **Summary:** There is **14 days** delay in implementation of the [GUI E2E tests transient failures (#8942) task](https://github.com/enso-org/enso/issues/8942). It **will cause...
**Adam Obuchowicz** reports a new **STANDUP** for today (2024-02-21): **Progress:** Finished fixing click handlers and a bit more. Created a PR. It should be finished by 2024-02-21. **Next Day:** Next...
**Adam Obuchowicz** reports a new **🔴 DELAY** for today (2024-03-01): **Summary:** There is **12 days** delay in implementation of the [GUI E2E tests transient failures (#8942) task](https://github.com/enso-org/enso/issues/8942). It **will cause...
**Adam Obuchowicz** reports a new **STANDUP** for today (2024-03-01): **Progress:** Fixed last problems I found with E2E tests. Also, added config to eslint to catch missing awaits (the most common...
**Greg Travis** reports a new **STANDUP** for today (2024-02-09): **Progress:** Reading BigDecimal docs and implementation; experimented with scale; basic Enso wrapper, addition It should be finished by 2024-02-19. **Next Day:**...
**Greg Travis** reports a new **STANDUP** for today (2024-02-13): **Progress:** Enabled empty-table tests for Table.replace in the DB backend; Implemented constructors from int, float, string; implemented precision and rounding It...
**Greg Travis** reports a new **STANDUP** for the provided date (2024-02-12): **Progress:** reviews for Table.replace and wrapping error; Handling more edge cases in Table.replace (empty lookup table); diving into comparables,...
**Greg Travis** reports a new **STANDUP** for yesterday (2024-02-14): **Progress:** Table.replace review; Decimal.from_float; report precision loss when Math_Context is explicitly used; implemented precision loss report for floats without Math_Context but...
**Greg Travis** reports a new **STANDUP** for today (2024-02-15): **Progress:** finished ctors + precision checking, implemented == both ways, tests It should be finished by 2024-02-19. **Next Day:** == including...