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RADseq workflow built around STACKS
STACKS Workflow2
RADseq workflow using STACKS2
Developed by Eric Normandeau in Louis Bernatchez's laboratory.
NOTE!: stacks_workflow no longer supports STACKS1. For the latest version
of stack_workflow that does, find v2.5.2_last_version_supporting_STACKS1
the releases on the stack_workflow GitHub page.
Warning!: this software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
stack_workflow was developed with the needs of our research group in mind. We make no claim about its usefulness to other groups or in other contexts, but it has been and continues to be useful to other groups.
stacks_workflow is licensed under the gpl3 license. See the LICENCE file provided with stacks_workflow for more details.
The stacks analysis pipeline is used for restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) studies, with and without a reference genome.
Before starting to use STACKS, you should read the official STACKS papers found at the bottom of the official STACKS page (see link above) as well as the official STACKS documentation found at the link above.
STACKS workflow tutorial
The goal of this workflow is to simplify the use of the STACKS pipeline and make the analyses more reproducible. One of the major contributions is the standardized SNP filtering procedures used to produce high quality SNP datasets.
Overview of the steps
- Install stacks_workflow and STACKS2
- Download your raw data files (Illumina lanes or ion proton chips)
- Clean the reads and assess their quality
- Extract individual data with process_radtags
- Rename the sample files
- Align reads to a reference genome (optional)
- Use the STACKS pipeline
- Filter the results
- Impute missing data if needed
Installing stacks_workflow
Download and install the most recent version of this workflow
It is recommended to download the most recent version of stacks_workflow for
each new project, as opposed to re-using the same directory for multiple
projects and naming the outputs differently. This is central to
's philosophy of reproducibility.
One stacks_workflow folder should contain only one analysis
Deviate from this at your own risk ;)
Clone stacks_workflow with git
If git
is installed on your computer, you can run the following command
instead to get a complete stacks_workflow git repository.
git clone
For the rest of the project, use the extracted stacks_workflow archive or cloned folder as your working directory. It may be a good idea to rename it by adding information about your project, the date or any other useful information.
All the commands in this manual are launched from that directory.
Download and install STACKS
Follow the instructions on the STACKS website to install and test the installation with:
populations --version
which populations
This will output the version of the populations program (part of STACKS) and where it is located on your computer.
- STACKS (latest 2.x version is recommended)
- Linux or MacOS
- gnu parallel
- cutadapt (install with conda or pip)
- Python3 and packages (best managed with conda):
- matplotlib
- numpy
- pandas
- PIL, xlrd, and xlutil (optional: for inter-chip normalization)
- admixture (optional: for missing data imputation)
- plink (optional: for missing data imputation and exploration)
- R
- adegenet (optional: for admixture plots)
- Imagemagick (optional: to join admixture plots)
Prepare your raw data files
Downloading your data
Download your raw Illumina or Ion Proton data files from your sequencing service provider.
Copy your raw files
Put a copy of (or a link to) your raw data files in the 02-raw
folder of
All file names must end with .fastq.gz for the following scripts to work.
Preparing the lane_info.txt
This file will contain the names of the raw data files and is used by stacks_workflow later. From the stacks_workflow folder, run:
Running Cutadapt
We trim our data using Cutadapt in single-end mode with the following command:
./00-scripts/ numCPUs
Where numCPUs
is the number of CPUs you wish to use in parallel. If you do
not put a number, the script will use only one CPU.
Scan the cutadapt logs
The cutadapt log files can be found in the 10-log_files
folder. Scan them or
look at the file sizes to confirm that cutadapt has done an appropriate job.
There may be differences in adapters and filter parameters to use with data produced by Illumina and Ion Proton sequencers.
Extract individual data with process_radtags
Prepare a file named sample_information.csv
Use the same format found in the example_sample_information.csv
file located
in the 01-info_files
Save this file in the 01-info_files
folder and name it exactly
. This file will be used to extract the samples and
rename the extracted sample files automatically.
The first column MUST contain the EXACT name of the data file for the lane/chip of each sample.
- The columns are separated by tabulations (even if the extension is .csv)
- The second column contains the barcode sequence of each sample.
- The third column contains the population name of each sample.
- The fourth column contains the name of the sample (do not include the population name or abbreviation in the sample name).
- Neither the population name nor the sample name should contain underscores
- The fifth column contains a number or string identifying the populations. you can use the same as in the third column.
- The sixth column contains the plate well identifier.
Columns three, four, and five are treated as text, so they can contain either text or numbers. Other columns can be present after the fifth one and will be ignored. However, it is crucial that the six first columns respect the format in the example file exactly. Be especially careful not to include errors in this file, for example by mixing lower and capital letters in population or sample names (e.g.: Pop01 and pop01), since these will be treated as two different populations.
Launch process_radtags
One restriction enzyme
./00-scripts/ <trimLength> <enzyme>
- trimLength = length to trim all the sequences. This should be the length of the Illumina reads minus the length of the longest tag or MID.
enzyme = name of enzyme (run
, without options, for a list of the supported enzymes)
Two restriction enzymes
./00-scripts/ <trimLength> <enzyme1> <enzyme2>
- trimLength = length to trim all the sequences. This should be the length of the Illumina reads minus the length of the longest tag or MID.
enzyme1 = name of the first enzyme (run
, without options, for a list of the supported enzymes) -
enzyme2 = name of the second enzyme (run
, without options, for a list of the supported enzymes)
Two restriction enzymes in parallel over multiple CPUs
./00-scripts/ <trimLength> <enzyme1> <enzyme2> <numCPUs>
- trimLength = length to trim all the sequences. This should be the length of the Illumina reads minus the length of the longest tag or MID.
enzyme1 = name of the first enzyme (run
, without options, for a list of the supported enzymes) -
enzyme2 = name of the second enzyme (run
, without options, for a list of the supported enzymes) - numCPUs = number of CPUs to use
Testing different trim lengths
If you are using Ion Proton data, the effect of the trimLength parameter used above on the number of usable SNPs you recover at the end may not be trivial. As a rule of thumb, a trimmed length of 80bp should produce good results in most projects. We suggest you run tests with a smaller group of samples to determine what length to trim to. For highly species with high genetic variability, short loci will be more likely to contain SNPs and long loci to contain more than one SNP, which is not always informative. Thus, trimming to shorter lengths may be more interesting for highly variant species or when coverage is limiting. On the other hand, trimming to keep longer sequences (for example 120pb) can be more interesting if the read coverage is very good and the genetic varability is low.
Rename samples
Rename and copy the samples
We provide a script to rename the extracted samples and move them into the
folder. The script behaves differently for samples that are
present only once in the 01-info_files/sample_information.csv
and for those
that are present more than once. If a sample is present only once, a link is
created, using no additional disk space. If it is present more than once, it
means that this sample has been sequenced on multiple lanes/chips and all the
copies are concatenated into one file, doubling the amount of disk space taken
by this sample (all the individual files PLUS the combined one).
Assessing the quality of your reads
After this step, you will want to run FastQC on the read sequences found in
. A nice way of visualizing them is to use multiqc
to create
a unique report for all the reads. Pay special attention to the duplication
level. You probably want to have high duplication in the 10-50X range, but if a
high proportion of your data is in the 100X+ range, then maybe your library
suffers from lower complexity than is ideal. This is up to you to judge given
what you know of your species (genome), enzyme(s) used, and sequencing
Deleting samples with too few reads
If after splitting your samples you notice that some have too few reads, you
can remove these from the 04-all_samples
folder. The threshold for the
minimum number of reads will depend on your project, including the number of
expected cut sites generated by your library preparation protocol and the
number of reads per sample. Keep samples with low coverages if you are not sure
what threshold to use at this point. We will filter the VCF for this later and
will then have better information then.
Align reads to a reference genome (optional)
Install bwa <>
Download reference genome to the 08-genome
Decompress the genome if needed and make a copy of it named genome.fasta
Index the reference genome
bwa index ./08-genome/genome.fasta
Align samples
Different bwa alignment scripts are available in 00-scripts.
STACKS pipeline
Prepare population info file
Edit script parameters
You will need to go through the scripts named stacks2_*
in the
00-scripts folder
and edit the options to suit your needs. Depending on your
project (eg: de novo vs reference), you will not use all the scripts.
Warning! This step is very important. Choosing appropriate parameters for your study is crucial in order to generate meaningful and optimal results. Read the STACKS documentation on their website to learn more about the different options.
Run the STACKS2 programs
Without a reference genome
- ustacks
- cstacks
- sstacks
- tsv2bam
- gstacks
- populations
With a reference genome
After the reads are aligned with bwa, run:
Filtering the results
NOTE: All the filtering scripts that take a VCF for input or output can
read and write compressed VCF files. The files must be compressed with gzip and
end with the .gz
extension. This is how the Python scripts recognize them.
As a result, it is recommended to compress your original VCF files from
populations with gzip as well as any further steps in order to save disk space,
especially for big projects.
Filtration steps summary
- STACKS VCF filtered a first time with
(ex. params: 4 60 2 3) - Create graphs to find samples with high missing data
(ex. params: -g) - Decide missing data threshold and remove these samples with
- Look for sample relatedness and heterozygosity problems in new VCF with vcftools
- Remove them with
- If needed, regroup populations into larger groups to prevent spurious filtering
- Filter this new VCF with
(ex. params: 4 60 0 3) - Classify SNPs into singleton, duplicated, diverged, high coverage, low confidence, MAS with
- Keep only SNPS that are unlinked within loci with
- Impute missing data with admixture
1. Filter the VCF minimally and create graphs
Fast filter
This new filter script (2019-07-08) is recommended instead of the older, slower one.
Reasons to use the faster filter script:
- Less parameters
- Uses only needed parameters
- Faster (5-10X depending on dataset)
- Recommended for all analyses and much faster for big datasets
Here is the documentation from this script:
# Filtering SNPs in VCF file output by STACKS1 or STACKS2 minimaly
# Usage:
# <program> input_vcf min_cov percent_genotypes max_pop_fail min_mas output_vcf
# Where:
# input_vcf: is the name of the VCF file to filter
# min_cov: minimum allele coverage to keep genotype <int>, eg: 4 or more
# percent_genotypes: minimum percent of genotype data per population <float> eg: 50, 70, 80, 90, 100
# max_pop_fail: maximum number of populations that can fail percent_genotypes <int> eg: 1, 2, 3
# min_mas: minimum number of samples with rare allele <int> eg: 2 or more
# output_vcf: is the name of the filtered VCF
# The filtering is done purely on a SNP basis. Loci are not taken into account.
# Filtering (STACKS1)
./00-scripts/ 05-stacks/batch_1.vcf 4 70 0 2 filtered_m4_p70_x0_S2.vcf
# Filtering (STACKS2)
./00-scripts/ 05-stacks/populations.snps.vcf 4 70 0 2 filtered_m4_p70_x0_S2.vcf
# Graphs
./00-scripts/ -i filtered_m4_p70_x0_S2 -o graphs_filtered_m4_p70_x0_S2 -g
Note: The last option filters on the MAS, which is akin to the MAF and
MAC. It keeps only SNPs where the rare allele has been found in at least a
certain number of samples. For example: 2
means that at least two samples
have the rare alleles. For RADseq data, the MAS is better than the MAF and MAC,
which are artificially boosted by genotyping errors where one heterozygote
sample is falsely genotyped as a rare-allele homozygote. Given the nature of RADseq,
these errors are quite frequent.
Slow filter
- More parameters but they are not needed with this new filtering procedure. They are a relic of an "early era" in the exploration of quality filtering.
- Slower (5-10X depending on dataset)
- Keeping only for backward compatibility and to generate descriptive graphs
# Filtering (STACKS1)
./00-scripts/ -i 05-stacks/batch_1.vcf -m 4 -p 70 --use_percent -S 2 -o filtered_m4_p70_x0_S2
# Filtering (STACKS2)
./00-scripts/ -i 05-stacks/populations.snps.vcf -m 4 -p 70 --use_percent -S 2 -o filtered_m4_p70_x0_S2
# Graphs
./00-scripts/ -i filtered_m4_p70_x0_S2 -o graphs_filtered_m4_p70_x0_S2 -g
Note: The -S
option filters on the MAS, which is akin to the MAF and
MAC. It keeps only SNPs where the rare allele has been found in at least a
certain number of samples. For example: 2
means that at least two samples
have the rare alleles. For RADseq data, the MAS is better than the MAF and MAC,
which are artificially boosted by genotyping errors, where one heterozygote
sample is genotyped as a rare-allele homozygote. Given the nature of RADseq,
these errors are quite frequent.
2. Identify bad samples in lightly filtered VCF
2.1. Too much missing data
- Use data from
from the graph step just above - Decide on a threshold and create a file with unwanted samples (one sample name per line)
- Remove these bad samples from original populations VCF with
BEFORE you proceed to the next steps. Samples with a lot of missing data will create strange relatedness patterns. - Filter original populations VCF again with
2.2. Relatedness
- Run
vcftools --relatedness --vcf <INPUT_VCF> --out samples
for compressed VCF files) to identify samples with potential errors / problems - Plot graph with
./00-scripts/utility_scripts/plot_relatedness_graphs.R samples.relatedness 0.5
- Decide on a threshold and create a file with unwanted samples (one sample name per line)
2.3. Heterozygosity
- Use
vcftools --het --vcf <INPUT_VCF> --out samples
for compressed VCF files) - Plot heterozygosity graph (see steps below)
- Decide on a threshold and create a file with unwanted samples (one sample name per line)
- Format data with:
awk '{print $5,$1,$1}' samples.het | cut -d "_" -f 1,2 >
- Plot graph with
- Decide on a threshold and create a file with unwanted samples (one sample name per line)
- Extract samples below that threshold with:
awk '$1 < -0.4 {print $2}' > bad_samples_het.ids
2.4. Remove bad samples
- Create list of all unwanted samples from subsections 2.2, and 2.3 (one sample name per line)
- Filter original populations VCF with
- This will create an unfiltered VCF where the bad samples are removed
3. If needed, make bigger groups of samples
- If your dataset contains many small populations, regroup samples into fewer and bigger groups to avoid strict and overly stochastic filtering
- Make a copy of
- Modify sample names (eg:
). Note that the underscore_
becomes a dash-
. - Use bcftools to do that:
bcftools reheader -s names.txt input.vcf > renamed.vcf
- The
file contains current sample names in the first column and desired sample names in a second column. - The columns are separated by a tabulation.
4. Filter new VCF
NOTE: You can launch the
without options to see documentation.
./00-scripts/ populations.snps.grouped.vcf 4 70 0 2 filtered_bad_samples_removed_m4_p70_x0_S2
5. Explore SNP duplication using the following scripts
- The following criteria are used by in
. Modify these in the script to fit your data.- Low Confidence: Extreme allele ratios (< 0.4 and > 0.6) with least one rare homozygote
- Duplicated: Fis < -0.1
- Duplicated: Fis + MedRatio / 3 < 0.11
- Diverged: Fis < -0.6
- Low Confidence: Fis > 0.6
- High Coverage: MedCovHom > 40 or MedCovHet > 40
- Minor Allele Sample (MAS): NumRare <= 2
6. Keep all unlinked SNPs
It is often thought that SNPs appearing within the same STACKS locus are 100% linked because they are really close. However, this is often not the case. Frequently, you will find SNPs that are not linked within the same locus. In order to filter and keep as much genetic information as possible, while avoiding close by SNPs with high Linkage Disequilibrium, you can keep all the SNPs that we refer to as unlinked in all the loci.
The procedure is as follows:
- Keep the first SNP and remove all the other ones appear linked to it
- If you have SNPs remaining, repeat
Two SNPs are linked when sample genotypes are highly correlated for these two SNPs. Since RADseq data has 1) missing data and 2) mostly SNPs with low MAF values, we need to be careful when comparing sample genotypes between two SNPs. As a result, when comparing two SNPs, we only use samples that have no missing data in both SNPs and who possess the rare allele in at least one of the SNPs.
Using the singleton SNPs, keep only unlinked SNPs using one the following scripts. The input parameters are described by the scripts themselves.
# Denovo
# Reference
7. Missing data imputation
Impute missing data in a VCF using admixture ancestry relationships
/!\ WARNING /!\
Whatever the method of choice, missing data imputation cannot impute CORRECT GENOTYPES, only GENOTYPES THAT MINIMIZE BIASES in a dataset. You should use imputation ONLY when you really need it. For example when some piece of software will not accept missing data in its input VCF.
Limitations of the ancestry-based missing data imputation
- Light: admixture is slow with big datasets. You can thin down your SNP dataset if this becomes problematic (see admixture manual).
- Light: Using all the SNPs versus using only neutral SNPs with admixture can change the ancestry estimation of samples. For example, the CV could vary differently as a function of K.
- Light: Even using cross-validation in admixture (CV values), the best K value is chosen by the user and so the groups and ancestry will vary. This will have an impact on the imputation but the approach should be fairly robust around K values that make biological sense.
- Moderate: admixture requires that the individuals be unrelated. Some level of half-sibs or full sibs is probably OK, but watch out for datasets with a lot of related samples. You can use the relatedness part of the filtration steps listed above to check that.
- Moderate: Identity by missing data, where patterns of similarity among samples is the result of non-random missing data within groups of samples, is problematic for admixture. You need to assert that this pattern is not present in your dataset (using plink) or remove the loci succeptible to this from your VCF before using vcf_impute. See details in the procedure below.
- IMPORTANT: admixture is a poor choice for samples with a continuous genetic gradient, a pattern of isolation by distance or a dataset with a lot of populations with very low or unequal sample numbers. Using a k-nearest neighbors approach may be better in this case.
- VERY IMPORTANT: Large genomic features, such as big inversions, can create strong groupings in admixture but that group structure would only apply to local parts of the genome, or even none at all for complex cases. If you feel like different parts of your genomes could lead to a very different hierarchical population structure, using a k-nearest approach may be better.
Advantages of the ancestry-based missing data imputation
- Major: Avoid using overfitted models that depend on information from other loci to impute genotypes in the current locus. It is our belief that, in most RADseq studies, apparent correlation among loci exists because of stochastic rather than biological reasons. For that reason, using information from loci that seem correlated is not a good choice to infer missing genotypes. This is because the genotypes at these other pseudo-correlated loci have a low probability to be informative for the imputation of the missing genotype.
Running the imputation
- Format contig/scaffold names
In order to use admixture, contig/scaffold names (referred to as chromosomes in
admixture) must be integers. We use the following script to correct this. Make
sure the output vcf is EXACTLY named input_renamed.vcf
. The input VCF can be
compressed with gzip.
./00-scripts/ <input.vcf> input_renamed.vcf
And check for patterns of identify by missing and potentially filter the VCF to remove the SNPs responsible of any such pattern (not covered in this document).
./00-scripts/utility_scripts/plink_cluster_missing_figure.R input_renamed.mds
- Use plink to create bed file
plink --vcf input_renamed.vcf --make-bed --out input_renamed --allow-extra-chr
- Use admixture and find a good K value
# Run admixture
# Adjust the `seq 10` value for your dataset. This number is the highest number
# of groups (K) that will be tried with admixture
seq 10 | parallel admixture input_renamed.bed {} -j4 --cv -C 0.1 \> 11-admixture/input_renamed.{}.log
mv *.P *.Q 11-admixture/
# Explore CV values and choose an appropriate K value
grep -h CV 11-admixture/*.log | sort -V # May not work on MacOs or BSD descendents because of the -V option
grep -h CV 11-admixture/*.log | cut -d " " -f 4,3 | awk '{print $2,$1}' | sort -n
# Create CV plot with gnuplot
grep -h CV 11-admixture/*.log | sort -V | awk '{print $3,$4}' | cut -d "=" -f 2 | perl -pe 's/\)://' | awk '{print $2,$1}' > data
gnuplot -p -e "set nokey; plot 'data' using 2:1 w l; pause -1"
# Look at (crude) graphs of group memberships to assist in choosing the K value
# (Thanks to Nicolas Leroux for the original plot R script!)
# The .png files will be found in the 11-admixture folder
# Requires the adegenet package
parallel ./00-scripts/utility_scripts/plot_admixture.R ::: 11-admixture/*.Q
# If you have imagemagick installed, you can combine all the graphs in one to
# help choose the best K value
convert $(ls -1 11-admixture/input_renamed.*.png | sort -V) -trim -border 0x4 -gravity center -append all_admixture_figures.png
- Impute missing genotypes using sample related groups
# Replace K by the desired number of clusters
./00-scripts/ input_vcf 11-admixture/input_renamed.K.Q output_vcf
Report VCF stats
parallel -k ./00-scripts/utility_scripts/ ::: <LIST-OF-VCFs> > vcf_stats.txt
8. Onwards!
You should now have a very clean SNP dataset for your project. Analyze only singletons or analyse the different categories of SNPs separately.
- Run population genomics analyses
- Publish a paper!
Example Materials and Methods section
See file 12-results/STEPS_for_MM.doc
and modify according to the steps you used.
Running into problems
- Consider joining the STACKS Google group
- Biostar is a useful bioinformatics forum.
- Stack Overflow (no link with STACKS) is an essential programming forum.