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AREK is a clean and easy way to request any kind of iOS permission (with some nifty features 🤖)
- Migrate to Xcode 12.2 and Swift v5.1 - Support SPM - Set the allow button to be preferredAction - Fix UI thread issue
Hi, I'm new to Swift/iOS development so I probably am just missing something but I get an error when I try to install the package using the package manager: ```...
- Switch in ArekPhoto.swift, `open func status(completion: @escaping ArekPermissionResponse) {` and `open func askForPermission(completion: @escaping ArekPermissionResponse)` - Switch in ArekNotifications.swift `open func status(completion: @escaping ArekPermissionResponse)`
I am only Using AreyLocationWhenInUse permission. When i am adding pod 'arek/Location' both permission are adding how to remove AreyLocationAlways Permission
It would be nice to be able to perform an action if the user denies the re-enable popup. Right now, .denied is called only when the manage() function is initially...
Arek 4.0.2 project file references Example Pods files, resulting in a failed build with Carthage. ```Build system information error: /*/Carthage/Checkouts/arek/Example/Pods/Target Support Files/arek/arek.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "arek" in...
Hi, thanks for sharing this library. I have a question. I just want to change the frequency property of the configuration, but write a lot of unnecessary duplicate code. It...