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AccessViolationException when using RibbonDropDownColorPicker in 64-bit
Assigning an array of strings to the RibbonDropDownColorPicker.ThemeColorsTooltips
property will cause an AccessViolationException
when the application is executed as a 64-bit process. The exception occurs in line 640 of ColorPickerPropertiesProvider.cs, the call to UIRibbonFramework.SetUICommandProperty()
in said property.
It can be reproduced with the following sample project: RibbonLib.Sample.zip
This project is based on sample "11 - DropDownColorPicker" of the original Windows Ribbon for WinForms (https://windowsribbon.codeplex.com/). The only relevant change was that I disabled the "Prefer 32-bit" option in the project's properties. The original implementation has the same problem. It seems like array pointers in the PropVariant
structure are marshalled incorrectly in 64-bit scenarios.
Are you using the Arduino IDE? If so, which ATtiny85 core are you using?
You say it's an ATtiny85 clone. Which one exactly?
I am using Digispark (default) on this board (more or less, the resistor arrangement is slightly different):
I'm not sure the Digispark supports I2C - search the web for information. I recommend using Spence Konde's ATTinyCore which does support I2C.
That could be the problem. I have certainly tried everything I can think of. Their drawing shows I2C connections but I don't think that is a reliable indicator.
Why don’t you try an ATtiny85 on a breadboard?
You have not disclosed your code. Maybe you did not included <Wire.h> before <TinyBME280.h>? Because on the ATTiny, I2C is implemented in software. But it works, I am running with BME280.
Hi, I am also trying to use the TinyBME280 lib with a Digispark attiny85 board. It gives me accurate measurements for temperature and humidity but returns a very low value for pressure. Using Adafruit_BME280 lib on an arduino uno i get a value of 92239 while digispark give me 26797. Any ideas ?
The Digispark causes a lot of compatibility problems. Try a standard ATtiny85.
Unfortunately that is true. I am giving up on digispark. Thanks for your reply.