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A repository with simple projects created for testing/learning purpose


A repository with simple projects created for testing/learning purpose.

Current projects

Messing with Hex-Rays decompiler

A simple project that shows that putting a total trust in the decompiled code isn't always a good idea. Tested with Hex-Rays decompiler.

Add resource to PE

This simple program will add (or replace) a resource in a PE file.

Compare two directories and show the files that differ

This tool will allows to compare two directories and show the files that differ according to different hashes, new files and if they were moved to another location. Download compiled binary.

hm0x14 CTF writeup

The code of the writeup for the Hackmeeting 0x14 reversing challenge.

Code Jam 2019

The code that I wrote to pass the first round of the Google Code Jam 2019. The solution contains only the solution out of four problems.

Binary Analysis Frameworks

A list of framework to do Binary Analysis: BinaryAnalysisFrameworksDoc

Process Re-Parenting

This project creates a new process as a child of another process.


This project detects a debugger by invoking x64 code from an x86 process.

Words generator

This simple code creates all possible words given as input an alphabet of arbitrary length (it can be used to generate all passwords given a set of characters).