MauticBeefreeBundle icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MauticBeefreeBundle copied to clipboard plugin editor for mautic

BeeFree integration for Mautic

Beefree Mautic Plugin Beefree Mautic Plugin

This is an experimental BeeFree integration for Mautic

  • 06/28/2020 alpha0 release
  • 06/30/2020 alpha1 release
  • 07/10/2020 beta0 release


  • UTF-8 chars with js atob (resoved with unescape/URIDEcode workaround) - resolved
  • Language support for beefree plugin - resolved

Installation from command line

  1. cd MAUTIC_DIR/plugins && git clone (or unzip the release)
  2. app/console cache:clear --env=prod
  3. app/console mautic:plugins:reload
  4. Go to, create an account and an application. Get API_KEY et API_SECRET
  5. Navigate to /s/plugins (Configuration > Plugins ) and enable BeeFree integration
  6. Fill in the field API_KEY and API_SECRET in features tab && Save
  7. app/console cache:clear --env=prod
  8. php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force


Just go to email create new/edit and click to Launch builder BEEFREE button. Should open new popup iframe with BeeFree plugin. You can also select one of the template from Template tab.

What is working

- Launch Beefree builder with save and close button
- Save button
- Create new email 
- Edit email
- Save versions
- Use template library
- Email clone support
- Integration with landing pages 
- beefree user added to plugin configuration in order to limit files access through the media library


- Save as template
- Automatically download images from Beefree servers and replace links (template and html)
- Integrate premium features
- Integrate external storage
- Add mautic tokens support (form/dynamic content/unsubscribe_url etc ...)

Where to find Templates

Goto With phpmyadmin on table beefree-theme, add json / name / preview (blob as jpeg image)

I've added an export of my theme table with 3 templates. You can edit the sql to fit your requirement (MAUTIC_PREFIX) You can find it in the Sql Folder from the repo