cookiecutter-wagtail-vix copied to clipboard
Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:
Datasource | Name | Replacement PR? |
npm | standard-version |
Awaiting Schedule
These updates are awaiting their schedule. Click on a checkbox to get an update now.
- [ ] chore(deps): replace dependency standard-version with commit-and-tag-version ^9.5.0
- [ ] build(deps): update dependency boto3 to v1.35.37
- [ ] build(deps): update dependency django to v5.1.2
- [ ] build(deps): update dependency black to v24.10.0
- [ ] build(deps): update dependency black to v24.10.0
- [ ] build(deps): update dependency sentry-sdk to v2.16.0
- [ ] build(deps): update dependency sh to v2.1.0
- [ ] chore(deps): update python docker tag to v3.13
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency ubuntu to v24
- [ ] chore(deps): update postgis/postgis docker tag to v17
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency django-anymail to v12
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency gunicorn to v23
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- [ ] build(deps): update dependency wagtail to >=6.2,<6.3
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency node
- [ ] chore(deps): update actions/configure-pages action to v5
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency honcho to v2
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency pre-commit to v4
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency pytest-cov to v5
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency pytest-logger to v1
- [ ] chore(deps): update softprops/action-gh-release action to v2
- [ ] fix(deps): update dependency hiredis to v3
- [ ] Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
- [ ] build(deps): update dependency django-debug-toolbar to v3.8.1
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency django-debug-toolbar to v4
- [ ] chore(deps): update dependency pytest-sugar to v1
Detected dependencies
node 22.4-bookworm
python 3.12-slim-bookworm
postgis/postgis 15-3.4
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-python v5
codecov/codecov-action v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-python v5
softprops/action-gh-release v1
ubuntu 22.04
ubuntu 22.04
actions/checkout v4
actions/configure-pages v4
actions/setup-python v5
actions/upload-pages-artifact v3
actions/deploy-pages v4
ubuntu 22.04
ubuntu 22.04
actions/first-interaction v1
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-python v5
actions/cache v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-python v5
actions/cache v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-python v5
actions/cache v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-node v4
actions/cache v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-node v4
actions/cache v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-node v4
actions/cache v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-python v5
actions/setup-node v4
actions/cache v4
actions/cache v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/setup-python v5
actions/cache v4
softprops/action-gh-release v1
node 22.4-bookworm-slim
python 3.12-slim-bullseye
python 3.12-slim-bookworm
python 3.12-slim-bookworm
python 3.12-slim-bookworm
node 22.4-bookworm-slim
node 22.4-bookworm-slim
node 22.4-bookworm-slim
python 3.12-slim-bookworm
postgis/postgis 15-3.4
python 3.12-slim-bookworm
python 3.12-slim-bookworm
commit-and-tag-version ^12.4.1
bootstrap ^5.3.3
@babel/core ^7.24.9
@babel/eslint-parser ^7.24.8
@babel/preset-env ^7.24.8
autoprefixer ^10.4.19
babel-loader ^9.1.3
bourbon ^7.3.0
commitizen ^4.3.0
copy-webpack-plugin ^12.0.2
css-loader ^7.1.2
cssnano ^7.0.4
cz-conventional-changelog ^3.3.0
eslint ^9.0.0
eslint-config-prettier ^9.1.0
eslint-plugin-prettier ^5.2.1
eslint-webpack-plugin ^4.2.0
mini-css-extract-plugin ^2.9.0
mjml ^4.15.3
postcss-custom-properties ^14.0.0
postcss-loader ^8.1.1
prettier ^3.3.3
sass-loader ^16.0.0
standard-version ^9.5.0
stylelint ^16.7.0
stylelint-config-standard-scss ^13.1.0
stylelint-webpack-plugin ^5.0.1
webpack ^5.93.0
webpack-cli ^5.1.4
webpack-dev-server ^5.0.4
node >= 22 <23
npm >= 10
node 22.4
cookiecutter ==2.6.0
sh ==2.0.7
black ==24.8.0
flake8 ==7.1.1
flake8-isort ==6.1.1
bumpver ==2023.1129
commitizen ==3.29.1
invoke ==2.2.0
pre-commit ==3.8.0
pytest ==8.3.3
pytest-cookies ==0.7.0
pytest-cov ==5.0.0
pytest-factoryboy ==2.7.0
pytest-instafail ==0.5.0
pytest-logger ==1.1.1
pytest-mock ==3.14.0
pytest-sugar ==1.0.0
pytest-xdist ==3.6.1
python ~=3.12
django >=5.1,<5.2
wagtail >=6.1,<6.2
psycopg2 ^2.9.9
crispy-bootstrap5 ^2024.2
django-crispy-forms ^2.1
django-environ 0.11.2
django-extensions 3.2.3
django-mjml 1.3
django-redis 5.4.0
django-rq ^2.10.1
django-widget-tweaks 1.5.0
wagtail-font-awesome-svg ^1.0.1
bpython ^0.24
hiredis ^2.3.2
pydantic ^2.5.3
whitenoise ^6.6.0
boto3 ^1.34.7
django-anymail ^11.0.1
django-storages ^1.14.2
gunicorn ^22.0.0
pymemcache 4.0.0
sentry-sdk ^2.10.0
black ^24.4.2
commitizen ^3.14.1
django-debug-toolbar 3.2.2
djlint ^1.34.1
dslr ^0.4.0
honcho ^1.1.0
invoke ^2.2.0
pre-commit 3.8.0
ruff ^0.6.0
wagtail-factories ^4.1.0
pytest-cov ^4.1.0
pytest-django ^4.7.0
pytest-dotenv ^0.5.2
pytest-factoryboy ^2.6.0
pytest-logger ^0.5.1
pytest-mock ^3.12.0
pytest-sugar ^0.9.7
pytest-xdist ^3.5.0
mkdocs ^1.5.3
mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin ^1.2.1
mkdocs-glightbox ^0.4.0
mkdocs-material ^9.5.2
- [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository