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Welcome to Log Reaper. Log Reaper is an adhoc analysis webapp for various logs an emphasis on break/fix and identification of errors and solutions. When you parse a log you will be presented with a custom tailored view for that particular log type, with automatic solution recommendations, and with targeted analysis.
One key feature of Log Reaper is that your log files are never uploaded to a server to be parsed. All parsing is done within your browser. The only pieces of information transmitted to any server is the top ERROR-like log lines are sent to Red Hat to get solution recommendations.
Log types supported:
- JBoss logs
- RHEV logs
- VDSM logs
- Log4j output (including the above and various formats, but not all formats)
- Apache access logs (various formats but not all formats)
- lsof output (list open files)
- /var/log/syslog
Demo of usage
Quickstart for development outside of Red Hat
Install the necessary npm modules and make sure you are on Node 4.x
npm install
In one tab start the webpack-dev-server
npm run dev-server
In another tab start node
node src/server/server-dev.js
Access the site
Developing locally
npm run dev-server
node src/server/server-dev.js
Developing for the Red Hat ecosystem
npm run dev-server
node src/server/server-dev-redhat.js
You'll need the following in /etc/hosts
so that your browser is using a redhat.com domain. https is not necessary, but you can use if you'd like. localhost, foo.redhat.com prod.foo.redhat.com
You'll also need to setup Apache or Nginx to properly proxy. See nginx_osx.conf for an example nginx configuration for proxying when using foo.redhat.com.
For an exmaple on proxying Red Hat content with Apache see mod_proxy_snippet.conf
Building locally
npm run build
npm run start-no-rh
Building for production at Red Hat (OSE)
Note that the build should be done locally for now as the OSE 2.0 gears can't handle the resource requirements of the webpack build.
npm run build
npm run start