The omxplayer stop after 4 minutes. Does the omxplayer have a verbose mode or log configuration? I tried to find any sign of the error, but couldn't. I am running...
### **How to use flask-restx with a library that export the blueprint already with its paths, like openbrokerapi.** The code that is on [my repo](https://github.com/engFelipeMonteiro/openbrokerapi) is forked from [openbrokerapi](https://github.com/eruvanos/openbrokerapi) and...
We have a backend service that is developed with restplus, it's works without a problem. After migrated for restx we observed that some endpoints, that have big responses (>3MB) makes...
**AO ABRIR** um Pull Request de um novo raspador (spider), marque com um `X` cada um dos items do checklist abaixo. **NÃO ABRA** um novo Pull Request antes de completar...
I saw that many changes have been merged to develop branch lately, but the latest version is from July of 2022. Is there a plan to make a new version...
In mocking scenario usually the database is significantly reduced, so the needs os allowDiskUse option is usually not needed, but in production it may be needed, for me it is...
mongomock doesn't support $toString in projection but mongodb supports it
I tried to maintain the database between instances, here follow my test. How I use this _store argument? ## Expected - I can pass the '_store' argument, so it can...
- Ajustes teste unitarios - Funcáo pra salvar resultado de teste unitario
I am tring to use TicketUpdate method to put a ticket into pending state, I cant put pendingTime to the ticket $fechar_ticket = Ticket(State='Contingenciado', pendingTime={ 'Diff':10080,}) $client.tc.TicketUpdate(ticket_id=busca_df[0], ticket=fechar_ticket, article=artigo_fechar) otrs.client.SOAPError:...