Feras Al-Kassar

Results 19 issues of Feras Al-Kassar

Hello, I would like to report for possible XSS vulnerability with date_begin and date_end. In file cron-manager-master\examples\codeigniter\application\controllers\TasksController.php ```php public function tasksReport() { $date_begin = isset($_GET['date_begin']) ? $_GET['date_begin'] : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-6...

Hello, I would like to report for possible XSS vulnerabilities. For example, In file InventorySystem-master\application\controllers\Stores.php in update function ```php $data = array( 'name' => $this->input->post('edit_store_name'), 'active' => $this->input->post('edit_active'), ); $update...

Hello, I would like to report for multiple XSS vulnerabilities. For example, In file Mini-Inventory-and-Sales-Management-System-master\application\views\email\memberupdate.php ```php Hi , ```

Hello, I would like to report for possible XSS vulnerability with the user name. We see that the username will be setted in the DB without sanitization in file Kalkun-devel\application\models\User_model.php...

Hello, I would like to report for path manipulation vulnerability. The path of the vulnerability. In file system/helpers/dompdf/load_font.php ```php // line 171 call_user_func_array("install_font_family", array_slice($_SERVER["argv"], 1)); ``` line 66 ```php function...

Hello, I would like to report for XSS vulnerability. ## Vulnerability path File Wechat.php - Line 58 ```php public function serve(){ // Source in this method $this->checkParams(); // Sink in...

Hello, I would like to report for a vulnerability. Can I report it here or you prefer if I send it by email ?

Hello, I would like to report for some XSS vulnerabilities. For example, In file hr-payroll-master\application\controllers\Logistice.php ```php public function Add_Assets_Category(){ if($this->session->userdata('user_login_access') != False) { $id = $this->input->post('catid'); $cattype = $this->input->post('cattype'); $catname...

fix XSS vulnerability - CVE-2021-43694