Android-MarqueeView copied to clipboard
Adjusment of enrty point and end point of text
Hi, Currently, all works great except for 1 thing. When the text animation starts and ends, the text is still visible. I would like to make the text enter farther to one side, and exit farther on the other side, so that at the beginning and end the textView is blank. Is there any way I could adjust this? Also:
- it's not clear what's the latest version of the project, it would be nice if you can mention this somewhere on the README page.
- Currently, the scroll animation starts in one direction, and after ending it starts scrolling to the other direction. In my case, I need it to scroll only in one direction, and after ending it should start in the same direction and text entry point. It would be very helpful if you could adjust the view to support this.
Thank you and hoping to hear from you soon.
Hi, Can anybody find a solution for this issue, I faced this and want to solve it? also the text is cutting :(