@ivaniv There's a crowd-sourced comparison table here, it would be good for people to contribute (or make another one on a better site) https://socialcompare.com/en/comparison/python-units-quantities-packages-383avix4
> students using scipy.io.wavfile.write ... seemed to have little difficulty writing the required WAV files; Isn't this a fork of scipy.io.wavfile, so they both have the same scaling issues?
@WarrenWeckesser Ah, I misunderstood your comment on https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/1930#issuecomment-28460402
> Note that `scale` determines the _maximum positive amplitude_ or, to use a phrase from the wikipedia page on sine waves, _the peak deviation from 0.0_. So to say that...
This sounds similar to what I would like for reading graphs. I'd like to display a graph on the screen, overlay Meazure and anchor it to the corners of the...
That requires you to know what the pixels per unit are, though. That would be very tedious for reading graphs
For me, for one dimensional measurements, the most convenient interface would be a mode in which I can do: 1. Select a specific Tool 2. Position one end of the...
Yes I usually use WebPlotDigitizer but it's a lot more steps. Something to quickly read values directly off the screen would be more convenient
I also made a userscript to make the text red, since it otherwise looks just like the "More results from domain.com »" link and I accidentally click it sometimes, when...
For United States locations, shorten to just the state abbreviation In fact, I can imagine it dynamically showing more or less information as you zoom in and out horizontally, to...