Innocent Bystander
Innocent Bystander
In case you get "unknown user" or similar with the first example (watching memberships), you can replace the legacy usage of [`event.conv.get_user(user_id)`]( with [bot.get_hangups_user(user_id)](
Any error you get are extremely important and should be provided as part of your report - including the stack trace. That said, you have a lot of redundant code...
Why not just check which event.conv_id you are in? It's trivial enough with some experimentation. For more complicated implementations you can review other plugins to extract functionality that you need...
The last link was broken, it should be: On Mon, 24 Aug 2015 12:13 null pointer [email protected] wrote: > Why not just check which event.conv_id you are in? It's...
sidenote: based on previous testing on v2, watermarks don't fire instantaneously - they may take up to 10 seconds be registered on hangups; and occasionally go missing
simplest implementation would be a fixed timeout for every mention, set up an async task with a delay of 15 seconds. at 15 seconds, check whether the watermark for the...
i'll test this instant-read further (i've noticed that it seems to occur more often with users with android wear running). you can also examine it further by enabling `_unittest.unittest_statusevents` in...
Not a solution, but a workaround: the latest subscribe module in v2/v3 will recognise keywords even if they are prepended with an @ symbol, thus subscribing to an additional nickname...
@DanielCasner - you might want to take a look at this
i like to request this pr to be closed and reissued to v3 branch (with title prefixed with `[v3]`), as committing this to staging - being v2 - will break...