My inspection of the code makes it look like "autocommit" is NON-BLOCKING. As part of __setitem__, it should check autocommit, and block on the commit, but that's non-trivial. You'll need...
Did this end up getting fixed? I still see this in Linux Mint 20.
Do I have a valid issue here? Should users catch exceptions raised by internal libraries used by praw or should praw catch and raise praw exceptions?
Sure. I can give it a shot. I have a patch ready. Is there some sort of test suite I can run on my change?
OK. I have a pull request ready. It passed pytest, and I fixed the lint problem; although I don't understand the rules for where to put imports; but I just...
I'm having a hard time getting a unit test to work. My first attempt was to just literally duplicate the "test_submit_image2" test, but even a literal duplicate of that test...
Thanks for the pointer. I was able to get something working, but I have to say that writing the test was about 100 times harder than writing the actual code....
I'm still working on this. Just having some trouble getting the testing code working. Thanks for the reminder, bot.
OK, so is the implication here that the bug is in the `date --utc` command?
I appreciate your rational approach to this; but there must be a bug SOMEWHERE, since `date --utc` is documented to output a UTC time, but when run with libfaketime, it...