
Results 22 comments of encratite

Hmm that's a curious request. The thing is that this requires a degree of cooperation between server and JavaScript GUI that is currently not implemented. You would probably require a...

I looked into this. It's possible as they store the game ID in the header in some plain text JSON block. Blighttp wasn't really designed to serve static files. This...

Well, this doesn't tell me what it's caused by, you need to debug the application in Visual Studio or mono and figure out where it's throwing from.

Urgh, I can't believe I didn't see this until now. Yeah, I suppose this could be added but I'm probably never going to do it, sorry.

The application already supports this and there are several people who host all the files locally. In the past I decided to choose the current model with a centralised content...

You need to set up a local HTTP server that serves the JavaScript file(s), the CSS file, all the image files and the region client version file. There's a bundle...

Hmm I suppose it could be done, but I don't think I'm going to implement anything like this any time soon

Check out the RiotControl repository to see examples of how the rune page data is retrieved and stored in nice objects. I'm afraid I've never looked into the masteries. You...

RiotControl/RiotGear/Worker/UpdateRunes.cs is probably related. Ultimately that data comes from the RPC.GetAllPublicSummonerDataByAccountAsync(AccountId, new Responder(GetPublicSummonerData, Error)); call, I think. So ultimately the rune data is from getAllPublicSummonerDataByAccount as described in RPCService.cs in...

That's the wrong one, you want: public AllPublicSummonerDataDTO GetAllPublicSummonerDataByAccount(int accountID) (or its asynchronous brother) Look at the signature, it says account ID.