databases copied to clipboard
Update and Delete
Hi, first of all thank you for this project . i really appreciate it.
problem : am trying to figure out how to update or delete rows in a table of database. i really appreciate any help. Thanks
It may denpendent on which database you used, This is for sqlite.
from databases import Database as Db
create_deal_table = '''create table DEAL(
id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT,
PrimaryKey varchar,
taxNo varchar,
getCase int
create_deal_data ='''insert into DEAL(
values (
data = {'PrimaryKey':1, 'taxNo': '123456', 'getCase':0}
data2 = {'PrimaryKey':1, 'taxNo': '123456', 'getCase':1}
async with Db('sqlite:///data.sqlite3') as db:
await db.execute(query=create_deal_table)
await db.execute(query=create_deal_data, values=data)
# await db.execute(query='update DEAL set taxNo=:taxNo, getCase=:getCase where PrimaryKey=:PrimaryKey', values=data2)
# await db.execute(query='delete from DEAL where PrimaryKey=:PrimaryKey', values= {'PrimaryKey':1})
rows = await db.fetch_all(query='select * from DEAL')
The code can run in jupyter notebook directively.
@gogobook the question was about update and delete statement. @ferasawadi This is how you can do an update. Found at sqlalchemy core documentation.
async with database.transaction():
query = Model.update() \
.where(Model.c.uid == data.uid)
await database.execute(query=query, values=dict(order))
query = Model.delete().where(Model.c.uid == uid)
await database.execute(query)