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Wt, C++ Web Toolkit
The header is included by \test\utils\SslUtils.C
By registering the event handlers on the enableAjax call, the interactive components of WCarthesianChart also works when progressive bootstrap is enabled. This has not been tested in depth, but seems...
I found that the placeholder text of a `WLineEdit` widget, that was set by `WLineEdit::setPlaceholderText(WString::tr("..."))` does not update when changing the `WApplication`'s locale, as described in [Issue 11156](https://redmine.emweb.be/issues/11156). This pull...
The documentation was missing qualifications concerning under which conditions the signal would NOT be disconnected. That is, for instance if you pass a lambda function object (which doesn't inherit from...
The issue was the calling of `WTableRow::rowNum()` for every added cell, which iterated over the whole table. The methods `WTableRow::createCell()`, `WTableRow::insertColumn()` and `WTableRow::expand()` got the new row argument defaulting to...
added configuration option whether to add the "X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN" header