László Fodor
László Fodor
Most of them are violating every best practice. It is really hard to maintain them and most of them are very fragile too.
IT makes no sense to restrict the usage of the UrlHelper only to the View layer
When a PDOException (eg. duplicate key violation) happens during query executions, the DbConnection class automatically fails the transaction which cannot be reenabled in higher layers where the exception is handled,...
Check if it really makes sense to use Config every time, probably it would be better and easier just to set the requirements as input parameters
All of the throw-s and trigger-s have to be checked, and if the error message is not communicative enough we have ti improve it.
Sadly there's not enough time to implement the unit tests for the new Debuggers. This gap need to be filled.
The following simplified test is unable to match properly the expectations. Though the code is fine the test is still failing: ``` class Command { public function run(): void {...
My question would be if it's possible somehow to tell `\DI\FactoryInterface::make` how to handle a variadic constructor. So imagine the following class: ``` class Test { public function __construct(SomeHelper $someHelper,...
If a type of a defined property is nullable, nullable attribute should be added to the generated Doc
Probably this is more like a feature request. For example when the property is defined like this: ```php #[OA\Property(description: 'Name')] public readonly ?int $name; ``` The following should be generated...