Android-Nested-Progress icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Android-Nested-Progress copied to clipboard

Nested Circular Progress Library For Android

Android Nested Progress

Nested Customizable Progress For Anroid

Add this in your root build.gradle file

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Add this to your module's build.gradle file

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.emreesen27:Android-Nested-Progress:v1.0.2'

Different Combinations

You can get many different loader by changing the properties.


  • Add view into your layout file
      app:outerLoaderAnimDuration="1500" /> 


Property Name Type Default Range
innerLoaderStrokeWidth Dimension 4.0F x dp (1.0F - 10.0F ) x dp
outerLoaderStrokeWidth Dimension 4.5F x dp (1.0F -10.0F ) x dp
innerLoaderLength Float 260.0F -
outerLoaderLength Float 320.0F -
innerAnimInterpolator Interpolator overshoot -
outerAnimInterpolator Interpolator lineer -
innerLoaderAnimDuration Integer 1000 -
outerLoaderAnimDuration Integer 1000 -
innerLoaderColor Color D3DEDC -
outerLoaderColor Color 2666CF -
spaceBetweenCircles Dimension 3.0F x dp (1.0F - 10.0F ) x dp