flutter_cool_alert icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flutter_cool_alert copied to clipboard

A flutter package to display animated dialods


A Flutter package to display animated alert dialogs


To use this package, add cool_alert as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. And add this import to your file.

import 'package:cool_alert/cool_alert.dart';


Screenshot  Gif


   context: context,
   type: CoolAlertType.success,
   text: "Your transaction was successful!",

CoolAlert Class

Attribute Data type Description Default Value
context BuildContext @required Null
type CoolAlertType @required - Type of alert dialog, ex: CoolAlertType.success for success dialogs Null
title String Set a custom title for dialog Based on the CoolAlertType selected
text String Set the description text of the dialog. Null
widget Widget Set any you expect widget of the dialog. Null
confirmBtnText String Text of confirm button 'Ok'
confirmBtnTap Function Function that handle click of confirm button () => Navigator.pop(context)
confirmBtnColor Color Color of confirm Button Theme.of(context).primaryColor
cancelBtnText String Text of cancel button 'Cancel'
cancelBtnTap Function Function that handle click of cancel button () => Navigator.pop(context)
barrierDismissible bool Dismiss dialog on touch overlay true
animType CoolAlertAnimType Type of dialogue enter animation CoolAlertAnimType.scale
backgroundColor Color Background color of the animation Color(0xFF515C6F)
confirmBtnTextStyle TextStyle Confirm button text theme TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontWeight:FontWeight.w600,fontSize: 18.0)
cancelBtnTextStyle TextStyle Cancel button text theme TextStyle(color: Colors.grey, fontWeight:FontWeight.w600,fontSize: 18.0)
flareAsset String Custom flare asset "animation.flr"
flareAnimationName String The name of the flare animation to play "play"
lottieAsset String Custom lottie asset "animation.json"
autoCloseDuration Duration Determines how long the dialog stays open for before closing Null
width double Dialog width MediaQuery.of(context).size.width
loopAnimation boolean Determines if the animation should loop or not false
closeOnConfirmBtnTap boolean Detemines if dialog closes when the confirm button is tapped true
reverseBtnOrder boolean Reverse the order of the buttons false