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Deploy a persistent EMQ X cluster not working.
Hi Team,
Followed this article https://www.emqx.io/blog/69 and tried deploying persistent emqx cluster with Storage Classes resources on GKE. Already set up the helm. Installing emqx by this command:
$ helm install --devel --name chat-group-emqx --set image=emqx/emqx:v3.2.3 --set emqxAddressType=hostname --set persistence.enabled=true --set persistence.storageClass=group-emqx-sc emqx/emqx
However, facing the below error:
Error: render error in "emqx/templates/StatefulSet.yaml": template: emqx/templates/StatefulSet.yaml:70:28: executing "emqx/templates/StatefulSet.yaml" at <.Values.image.repository>: can't evaluate field repository in type interface {}
Please note: Storage class already exists named group-emqx-sc(and in default namespace.)
$: kubectl get sc
group-emqx-sc kubernetes.io/gce-pd 62m
Kindly let me know if I am missing on anything.
Hi @pravargauba This project has stopped maintenance. Please get the emqx-chart here and try again