emqtt-bench copied to clipboard
Official benchmark data?
Is there an official benchmark data?
As I run the emqx with docker on x86_64 GNU/Linux 8 cpu 16G memory size:
docker run -d --name emqx -p 18083:18083 -p 1883:1883 -p 4369:4369 -e EMQX_LISTENER__TCP__EXTERNAL=1883 -e EMQX_LOADED_PLUGINS="emqx_auth_redis,emqx_recon,emqx_retainer,emqx_management,emqx_dashboard" -e EMQX_AUTH__REDIS__SERVER="" -e EMQX_AUTH__REDIS__PASSWORD="******" -e EMQX_AUTH__REDIS__PASSWORD_HASH=plain emqx/emqx:latest
Step 1、create 50K concurrent connections and sub the same one topic "local" with QOS 0 at the arrival rate of 100/sec:
./emqtt_bench sub -c 50000 -i 10 -t local -q 0
Step 2、 create 10 connections and each publishes messages to topic "local" at the rate of 100 msg/sec.
./emqtt_bench pub -c 10 -I 1000 -t topic
Test result:
Cpu: 800%
Memory size: 100%
and mqtt client will meet the exception: Connection lost, err: pingresp not received, disconnecting