@MrChromebox Is it possible to do gdb debugging over the Cr50? Would that give you any useful information?
I don't think it's actually suspending so I'm not sure how useful that is, but I'll take a look. I also ran through all the commands in the EC and...
Should the UART console be enabled and reporting over ttyUSB1, or am I getting that mixed up? Would that be useful?
I built coreboot myself and was able to enable a bunch of messages on the UART console as well as GDB. I was able to load the symbols and step...
Should I close this bug and go complain to kernel devs? I want to help solve it I just need some direction.
If I try with ``` zcc +ti8x -subtype=mirage -startup=2 -Cz--altfmt -Cz--comment=what -create-app world.c ``` It successfully transfers to Wabbit, but there is weird junk in the name, and it does...
This is a really cool tool btw. Is it possible to attach a debugger to an emulator using the gdb stuff? I was going to write my own debugger for...
Could there be a different toggle as you suggested, because altfmt doesn't do it all the way, and it's a bit awkward to have to dig around the crt.
If I figured out which files worked with my calculator would that be helpful? I don't have a computer link cable for it but I can get one.
This is what I'm seeing with TI Connect: MirageOS (-startup=2 -subtype=mirage) | With crt0 edit | Without crt0 edit -- | -- | -- No additional switches | TI Connect...