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SH3 and 4 version please

Open v00d00m4n opened this issue 9 years ago • 1 comments

Would you mind to create SH3 and SH4 proxy as well?

There are issues with 3 and 4 that cant be fixed for now:


  • DOF resolution is fixed and 640x480 ot 512x512, looks very jaggy in any high resolution at cutscenes
  • Shadow resolution is very low, seems like 512x512 at best, you probably can intercept calls and change requested size, ini configurable with any resolution up to videocard limit (last 8 generations supports 8k for sure, gt 6XX + supports 16k textures ) would be nice (this can also be done for SH2)
  • ingame internal resolution settings and list of resolutions ony has fixed list, would be nice if patcher will autoadd all enumerated resolutions to list and will add autocretead internal resolutions based on current resolution, currentx2, currentx4, current 0.5 (and basically will add every enumerated resolution to list)
  • black bars during cut-scene, really annoying when game jumps from 4:3 to 16:9 and back, would be nice to fix that (same would be nice to do for SH2 as well)
  • widescreen resolution has stretched FMV videos, would be nice to force render it at the center of screen with correct aspect ration and align it by W or H value, cropping it or pillarboxing it.
  • internal fov settings would be nice (currently only extrernal trainer available)
  • no option to disable DOF
  • slow transitions to menu and back as well
  • strange fluctations from 60 to 30 fps at some time, locked at 60 fps, full FPS unlock is needed

SH4: All the same problems plus

  • Cutscenes locked at 14-15 fps, gameplad at 30, unlock need
  • FPS mode and TPS need to has 2 separate FOV settings,
  • Bloom and some other screen effects locked at internal low resolution. custom settings or autoscaled to current resolution is a must
  • render distance and LOD of objects is very low, improvements needed
  • minimal GAMMA value is 1.0, game really way too bright and washed out ahd to achive correct 2.2 gamma value needs to lowered to 0.45 range of gamme value settings needs to be 0.2 to 2.2, instead of 1.5 to 2 (same by the way could done for SH2 and 3)

Also both game incompatible with new awesome Shader injector Reshade (which is co-created with SweetFX creator and designed mostly for SweetFX 2.0) please try it with SH2-4 and make it compatible. I has internal support for dx8-11 and OpenGL, but internal d3d8 wrapper is very buggy for now, so your proxy should wrap things to d3d9+ and reshade must be used as d3d9+ wrapper.

And one more thing for sh2, 3 and 4 all together, please change proxy from dinput to something less needed, i have good dinput to xinput wrapper that allows to play SH2-4 with xbox 360 controller without any issues (you can remap LT RT and dpad to any digital dinput buttons and actually can remap anything) and it needs to be as dinput.dll and dinput8.dll to work, and you tool does not support proxy chaining with other wrappers plus having proxy in input related dll adds extra delay to input, so you really should ot use input dlls for hooking (same applies to dsound which also had popular wrappers that restores 3d sound in old games, please use d3d8 and as extra alternative something non graphcis, non input, non sound related like user32.dll version.dll etc, just find common imports for all of silent hills and use it please).

v00d00m4n avatar Apr 05 '15 13:04 v00d00m4n

There is now a wrapper for SH3 available:

07151129 avatar Jul 10 '16 13:07 07151129