re4-research copied to clipboard
ESP & EM list
Like mentioned in #3 the VR port of the game included a lot of helpful strings inside, giving us an idea of what each ESP & EM are meant for.
Here's the strings I extracted from it so far:
ESPID_00: "Generic effect"
ESPID_01: "Triangle strip effect"
ESPID_02: "Muzzle flash effect"
ESPID_03: "Line effect"
ESPID_04: "Screen filter effect"
ESPID_05: "Flickering effect"
ESPID_06: "The effect of riding a pass"
ESPID_07: "Bouncing effect on the ground"
ESPID_08: "Texture sink effect"
ESPID_09: "tail lamp"
ESPID_0a: "Spotlight effect"
ESPID_0b: "Effect of displaying at a position closer to the camera by the specified radius"
ESPID_0C: "Call EST"
ESPID_0d: "Effect of being sucked in/parted from a part"
ESPID_0e: "Simple lens flare effect"
ESPID_0f: "Negative/positive reversal effect"
ESPID_10: "Effect on the ground position"
ESPID_11: "Light control"
ESPID_12: "strip to remember the previous coordinates"
ESPID_13: "Effect that disappears when approaching the camera"
ESPID_14: "Pseudo specular effect"
ESPID_15: "The effect of being always near the camera"
ESPID_16: "Adhesive strip"
ESPID_17: "Effects on the camera coordinate system"
ESPID_18: "Blur effect"
ESPID_19: "Laser pointer line"
ESPID_1a: "Effect of connecting indirect"
ESPID_1b: "4 point designated deformation effect"
ESPID_3f: "For memory allocation"
ESPID_40: "Black fog effect"
ESPID_41: "Fog-related special action effect"
ESPID_42: "Alpha blend test"
ESPID_43: "Flame effect that disappears when the player approaches"
ESPID_44: "Sound SE"
ESPID_45: "Spread blur effect"
ESPID_46: "Glare filter effect"
ESPID_47: "Repeat effect for texture rendering"
ESPID_48: "Shaking effect"
ESPID_49: "Effect that disappears when approaching the water surface"
ESPID_4a: "Screen shaking effect"
ESPID_4b: "Animation pattern designation effect"
ESPID_4c: "Water surface control effect"
ESPID_4d: "Water shaking effect"
ESPID_4e: "cloth set"
ESPID_4f: "Effect that disappears when entering the designated area"
ESPGEN_00: "General-purpose effect generator"
ESPGEN_01: "Lens flare"
ESPGEN_02: "Effect from the path"
ESPGEN_10: "ESPGEN call effect generator"
ESPGEN_40: "Black fog generator"
ESPGEN_41: "Black fog avoidance control"
ESPGEN_42: "water surface"
ESPGEN_43: "sand"
ESPGEN_44: "spore"
ESPGEN_45: "Infinite water"
EFF_EM10 "Ganado"
EFF_EM12 "Ganado Villager"
EFF_EM15 "Ganado Villager"
EFF_EM16 "Ganado Villager & Bella Sisters"
EFF_EM17 "Ganado Villager"
EFF_EM18 "Merchant"
EFF_EM19 "Ganado Priest - r20D Study"
EFF_EM1A "Ganado Priest - r209 Gallery"
EFF_EM1B "Ganado Priest & Garrador - r201 Grand Hall"
EFF_EM20 "Ganado Soldier"
EFF_EM22 "Colmillos"
EFF_EM23 "Crow"
EFF_EM24 "Snake"
EFF_EM25 "Plagas C - r20F"
EFF_EM26 "Cow"
EFF_EM27 "Piranha"
EFF_EM28 "Chicken"
EFF_EM29 "Bat"
EFF_EM2B "El Gigante"
EFF_EM2C "Verdugo"
EFF_EM2D "Novistador"
EFF_EM2E "Child"
EFF_EM2F "Del Lago"
EFF_EM30 "No. 0 Sadler"
EFF_EM31 "No. 0 Sadler (after transformation)"
EFF_EM32 "U3"
EFF_EM34 "No. 1 Village head before transformation"
EFF_EM35 "No. 1 Village head after transformation"
EFF_EM36 "Regenerator & Iron Maiden"
EFF_EM38 "No. 2 After Salazar transformation"
EFF_EM39 "No. 3 Krauser before transformation"
EFF_EM3B "Reconnaissance aircraft SEEKER"
EFF_EM3C "Armadura"
EFF_EM3D "helicopter"
EFF_EM3F "Sadler Ada Scenario Boss"
EFF_EM4E "Cannon"
Lots more than that too, the Bio4PrintUtils
funcs seem pretty interesting.
E: Some of the EMs that were missing from there:
Pl00: Player
Pl03: Ashley
Pl04: Luis
Pl05: Ashley2
Pl06: Hunk
Pl07: Police
Pl0A: Krauser
Pl0C: Ashley3
Pl0D: Wesker
Pl0E: PlJetSki
Pl0F: PlBoat
Em06: Hunter (REmake leftover model/textures)
Em09: Tyrant (REmake leftover model/textures/code)
Em11/Em13/Em14/Em1C-Em20: Ganado
Em21: Dog
Em33: InsectBossEvent
Em37: No2
Em40-Em4B: Ganado
Em4b: HoudaiCannon
Em4e: HoudaiGatling