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Made a comment on re4hd mentioning how R7xx could be connected to EM_LIST_BIO5 found in the PS2 symbols:
Also made another comment there but not sure if it went through, maybe blog software/anti-spam swallowed it up:
Might have found a definite link between R7XX & BIO5, looks like that EM_LIST enum is actually included in the executable too as strings (you can even find them in the UHD exe):
Seems to match with all the EM_LIST entries I posted before, except BIO5 is changed to "biox" there, guess they probably didn't want it to show up as a string in the EXE :p
BIO5/biox are at index 9 into the list, seems there's also a function "checkEmListNo" in the game which takes a room number and returns the list index for it - you can maybe guess where I'm heading :)
Anyway, for room 6xx & 7xx:
So 6xx falls under 18 PS2ETC/ps2-tgs, and 7xx is under 9 BIO5/biox, pretty neat!
My guess is that maybe RE5 was being prototyped on the RE4 engine during the time between GC & PS2 release, and the files for that prototype ended up being left inside the RE4 source tree (original devs probably knew they could remove them before shipping the final PS2/Wii builds, but luckily for us X360/PS3 was done by a new team 😄)
Also found out that EM_LIST_BIO5 is tied to the emleon09.esl file, on GC/UHD that file seems to just contain enemies for some R1XX rooms, but the PS2 version of emleon09.esl actually seems to have enemies linked to both R703 & R702! Might be worth exploring some more once we can load in the R7XX maps properly.
Try versions 1.0.138 and 1.0.139 1.0.138 works on PROJECTILETABLE.MBIN but 1.0.139 causes the game to crash. 1.0.139 is the serialization hack and byte alignment update.
Yeah. Can confirm. 139 broke it.
138 runs fine.