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Making this work for fans
I hope I'm posting this in the right place.
I have been experimenting with Tasmota 9.1.0 and the new Home Assistant Tasmota integration. I have noticed a limitation in the way these two pieces of software work together.
I have several fans in my home that are just box or floor fans connected to a smart plug. I also have a few ceiling fans that use Sonoff iFan02 fan controllers running Tasmota. When these devices present to Home Assistant they show up as switches. I know there is a Tasmota 'se toption30 1' that forces a switch to present itself as a light, but no such option for a fan. Could you make something like that for the a smart plug that should tell Tasmota that it is a fan?
Also, support for the iFan02 in any way would be awesome.
I have a few Wemos D1 mini devices that have random sensors and the like on them and they all work like a charm.
Keep up the good work!
iFan02 should show up as a fan in Home Assistant, is it not working?
For the request to make a Tasmota relay show up as a switch, it would need some new functionality in Tasmota too. Can't you solve it with a template fan in Home Assistant mapped to the switch entity?
Wayne the Ifan support is available on 1.0 Beta channel for now, will be definitely in when the new version will be released.
Hey Erik, My question is ultimately similar to Wayne’s, I have some flashed ceiling fans, with controllers similar to the iFans which I have integrated via MQTT. Is there anyway if using your integration for devices that are not iFans? Or overriding their device category? My only hinderance with the current MQTT is that HA only lets you do 3 speeds and mine have 5. So I can’t set them all via the UI.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy I can integrate them at alll but I was very excited to see that you’ve been working on this and hope one day it might be able to solve my issues with something less manually configured.