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Increase the FAIRness score of EMMO
FAIRness check
Check EMMO against FOOPS and fix the issues. This would include things like:
- [ ] adding dcterms:created, dcterms:issued, dcterms:source, citations, doi, status
- [ ] registering EMMO in the Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV)
- [x] registering EMMO in prefix.cc
- [ ] making EMMO available via HTML
- [x] use persistent URLs
Some questionable things that can be done to increase the FOOPS score (however, these seems more like bugs in FOOPS, since skos:prefLabel is a subproperty of rdfs:label and EMMO elucidation is a subproperty of rdfs:comment):
- [ ] add rdfs:label to all terms (in addition to skos:prefLabel)
- [ ] add rdfs:comment to all terms
General quality check
In addition we should run EMMO through OOPS! and fix the pitfalls that make sense to fix.