> Hi, I’m using ArduCam Mini 5MP (OV5642) with the Arduino Uno R3. I’m able to capture a single jpeg image and send it to a PC over serial port....
I'm having this same error now and I'm guessing there is no fix :( To be clear, I'm having the NotFoundError error.
Heyy, did you ever figure this out?
Thanks for the reply. Do you have this implementation up somewhere? I'd really love to see it.
@luistelmocosta Hi there, I'm in a similar situation right now: I am using "negative examples" to train a U-Net because I know the final model will be passed input similar...
Thanks for the reply and the links. :) In my case, I'm only looking for literature that addresses negative examples. I have two classes: background and `target-class`. Here, my "negative...
> then averaged these 5 predictions into a single one Hi, please how did you average these predictions into one? Did you just average the metrics computed from the 5...
Thanks for the reply. From my understanding, you average the predicted binary masks to generate a final prediction mask. Is there a common name for this in the literature?
Thanks, I'll check it out. :)
Hey, did you ever figure out how to get the OV5642 working with an RPI? I'm using a pi 4B by the way.