Please trying to run bwa mem and got this error [E::main_mem] unknown read type '/mnt/data/emmanuel/Pilon_22_09_19_flye_1x/MUCU_Flye_pilon_1x.fasta
Hi @KatharinaHoff While running the script I encountered this error Error in file /mnt/bin/augustus/augustus-3.3.3/scripts/fix_in_frame_stop_codon_genes.py at line 267: Return code of subprocess was 255['/bin/perl', '/mnt/bin/augustus/augustus-3.3.3/scripts/gtf2gff.pl', '--out=corrected_07092020.gff3', '--printExon', '--gff3']
Hello, Please will this program work in Mac? Thanks
Please I have been trying to setup a new genus database. I downloaded the new genbank .gbff.gz format. running prokka-genbank_to_fasta_db genomic.gbff.gz* > genome.faa genome.faa returns empty. Please how can I...
I keep running into this error and don't know what to do. I am not vast in bioinformatics to tweek the problem Error: malformed BED entry at line 21. Start...
Dear author, Trying to run the program and it sends this error ImportError: Bio.Alphabet has been removed from Biopython. In many cases, the alphabet can simply be ignored and removed...
Thanks for this program. However, yeast has different telomere repeats so i ran it with the commandline telseq -z ACTTCTTGGTGTACGGATGTCTA -k 3 domenico.bam > test_sc ACTTCTTGGTGTACGGATGTCTA being the telomere repeats...
Hello, I am attempting to run Easyfig on Mac OS 12.6.8. It returned this error /Users/emmanuelnnadi/Documents/bioinformatic_program/Easyfig_2.2.2_OSX/Easyfig ; exit; dyld[15862]: Library not loaded: '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python' Referenced from: '/Users/emmanuelnnadi/Documents/bioinformatic_program/Easyfig_2.2.2_OSX/Easyfig' Reason: tried: '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python' (no...
Hello I noticed something strange after running Pilon twice on the sequence, the BUSCO score reduced from 93.6%(Obtained after Pilon 2 runs) to 76.4% when I ran Racon on the...
Hello, Please I had this error running racon ~/minimap2 -ax map-ont -t 20 ~/Pilon_22_09_19_flye_2x/Flye_pilon_2x.fasta. ~ 20190404.fq terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument' what(): [bioparser::createParser] error: unable to open...