smile2emoji copied to clipboard
Plugin to convert from text smile to emoticons. Emoji from punctuation
Smile2Emoji NPM Module
Convert all the smiley to fantastic emoticons! ✨
With this simple and little module you can convert the smiles in your text to emoji. :) or :D or <3 will become emoticons! Ideal for input, chats and so on, where you don't want an emoji picker but a simpler solution.
Very quick test usage:
Happy usage =)
npm i smile2emoji
Objects exported by the package:
checkText(text: string): string Function to check if in the string parameter there is some emoji and in case convert it. Example:
import { checkText } from 'smile2emoji'
const text = checkText(':)');
console.log(text) //prints '😊'
const text = checkText('i like bananas :)');
console.log(text) //prints 'i like bananas 😊'
checkTextWithAutoSuggestions(text: string): string Same as before but with autosuggestion, so if there is only one emoji key in the map starting with the string, it use it.
import { checkTextWithAutoSuggestions } from 'smile2emoji'
const text = checkTextWithAutoSuggestions(':tenn');
console.log(text) //prints '🎾'
const text = checkTextWithAutoSuggestions('i like bananas :tenn');
console.log(text) //prints 'i like bananas 🎾'
checkTextWithAutoSuggestionsAndUnicode(text: string): string Same function but it use the map with unicode char instead of emoji, same results:
import { checkTextWithAutoSuggestionsAndUnicode } from 'smile2emoji'
const text = checkTextWithAutoSuggestionsAndUnicode(':tenn');
console.log(text) //prints '🎾'
const text = checkTextWithAutoSuggestionsAndUnicode('i like bananas :tenn');
console.log(text) //prints 'i like bananas 🎾'
fromUnicodeToEmoji(text: string): string Used by the function above, it convert an unicode string to emoji. Example usage:
import { fromUnicodeToEmoji } from 'smile2emoji'
const text = fromUnicodeToEmoji('2615');
console.log(text) //prints '☕'
emojiMap: { [key: string]: string } In this map is exported a pair of key-value string -emoji , like ':)' -> 😊
mapStringToUnicode: { [key: string]: string } In this map is exported a pair of key-value string -unicode of the emoji , like ': coffee:' -> '2615'
Example usage:
import { emojiMap } from 'smile2emoji'
const text = ':)';
const emoji = emojiMap[text];
console.log(emoji) //prints '😊'
MIT © Federico Ballarini