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Emil-Wallner-LinkedIn-Resume copied to clipboard

A quick overview of my background and past projects.

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I'm currently a resident at Google where I'm using machine learning to explore art and culture. Part-time, I'm doing independent research in neural reasoning, applying machine learning to mathematics, programming, and logical tasks.

In 2018, I made a popular open-source project that translates design mock-ups into HTML/CSS, Screenshot-to-code, and in early 2019 I was the subject for a short-film by Google for my work on automated colorization.

I used to work for the University of Oxford and co-founded a seed investment firm focussed on education technology (59 investments).

Email: [email protected]


Residency, Google

July 2019 - Present | Paris

Machine Learning Internship, FloydHub (YC W17)

July 2017 - January 2018 (7 months) | San Francisco

Developing deep learning projects and documenting the process.


Computer Science, 42

(2016 - 2020) | Paris

A peer-to-peer CS school without teachers.


  • I've lived in Ghana where I volunteered as a teacher and accidentally became the king of the village I lived in.
  • I joined a music group and toured a dozen countries. My highlight was a Spanish solo for 6k Mexicans. (For the record, I'm a terrible singer. I only got the opportunity because the three first options were sick.)
  • For a year, I lived as a digital nomad in southeast Asia, the States, and South Africa.
  • I run the equivalent of a marathon every week, only wear black, and I own less than a hundred objects.
  • I've participated in a silent retreat and taken several solo trips to remote parts of the world.