StickyListHeaders copied to clipboard
Not compatible with Android 10
Version used of library: 2.7.0 Android Gradle version: 3.5.0
App crashes when targetting API 29:
2019-09-04 14:20:37.302 17366-17366/XXX: Accessing hidden field Landroid/widget/AbsListView;->mSelectorRect:Landroid/graphics/Rect; (greylist-max-p, reflection, denied)
2019-09-04 14:20:37.303 17366-17366/XXX W/System.err: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field mSelectorRect in class Landroid/widget/AbsListView; (declaration of 'android.widget.AbsListView' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar!classes3.dex)
2019-09-04 14:20:37.303 17366-17366/XXX W/System.err: at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(Native Method)
2019-09-04 14:20:37.303 17366-17366/XXX W/System.err: at se.emilsjolander.stickylistheaders.WrapperViewList.
I got the same issue. In my case, it's not crashed but I always get that log. Anyone can resolve this?
Same issue here, any update on this?
Same issue here, any update on this?
You may want to look into an Android native solution using RecyclerView nowadays. At least that's what I did.
Same issue here, any update on this?
You may want to look into an Android native solution using RecyclerView nowadays. At least that's what I did.
Okay thanks, just want to know if there is any quick fix.