Emilio Pavia
Emilio Pavia
Hi @mkrautz, we're having some troubles on using Opus as a default codec. It seems that MumbleKit (we're using commit a9739f300a1894a8f54eae5a30d0c04c1c964cf2) is not able to properly enable the codec. The...
Oh, ok :) I thought it would have been enabled capabilities during the handshake with the server. Thanks, it helps a lot!
Yeah, I confirm that with armv7s everything seems to work. Let me know if you need some help. Thanks!
Hi @mkrautz, I'm still having the problem but ONLY when running on my iPad Air (that is arm64). In the iPod Touch (armv7s) it seems to work, and it didn't...
Hi @mkrautz, any update on this?
Hi @mkrautz, finally we were able to identify this issue: it's in the comfort noise setting. When enabled in 64bit CPUs it produces a noise that is not so comfortable......
Well, actually we had to ship today, but we found that the build that Apple approved us wasn't working on iOS 6 (audio in/out muted). After recompiling it with the...
I found something really strange. I tried to build our app using the MumbleKit sources at the commit bf23e9d250d476f53ce91bf7523000c6fd8daa35 (so before disabling the echo cancellation). If I build that using...
Actually I couldn't test the echo cancellation yet. I should do that laters but now I can hear in the simulator the voice coming from the device (I don't have...
Yes, it has echo cancellation enabled, but I cannot test if it actually works as expected. What I cannot understand is why audio works in debug configuration and don't (aka...