Emilio Rodriguez
Emilio Rodriguez
Try lottie-react-native 4.1.3 and lottie-ios 3.2.3
Maybe you still got the old versions installed. Can you try removing the ios/Pods folder and ios/Podfile.lock ? then try running pod install again
Yeah, looks like you removed them correctly. I will also investigate on my side
thanks @caolong0204 I think the issue might be RN 64 minimum deployment target is iOS 10 while RN 65 has iOS 11 as minimum deployment target. I guess we need...
Not all After Effects features are supported by Lottie on mobile devices. If you notice there are some layers or animations missing check [this list](https://github.com/airbnb/lottie/blob/master/supported-features.md) to ensure they are supported.
v4.0.0 is just released. It contains three large changes: - Fix react-native 0.64 compatibility - Windows support [C#] - macOS Support (based on react-native-windows) So I would really appreciate if...
@dmackinn that should be the next minor version update after we are done with any patches we need for the changes introduced in 4.0.0
agreed, this kinda blocks fixes for other issues but I think we better wait for that merge. That gives us more time to test this one
It looks like this is a stale project so this PR will be never merged. I published a fork of it including this PR: https://github.com/emilioicai/react-native-safe-modules