Emilio Rodriguez
Emilio Rodriguez
Not all features in After effects are available in `lottie-react-native`. Can you check if you are using any of these? https://airbnb.io/lottie/#/supported-features
Can you share some code?
you can just mock the entire module: https://jestjs.io/docs/en/bypassing-module-mocks
as per @connorpmullins this issue should be resolved on `3.5.0`. Please, make sure old versions of `lottie-react-native` and `lottie-ios` are not cached in your project.
@connorpmullins yes, that should work but there are many places (npm, packager, watchman) where cache is not cleared and an old version of the package is being used. You could...
I'm not able to reproduce this issue from a newly created expo app. I've got the feeling that the problem may lay on how some screens are mounted on an...
@kieuquang1110tt Can you share a repo with me where autoplay is failing? I couldn't reproduce it at all
I would need to get access to a repo in which this is happening as I couldn't reproduce in any of my tests. @tarasvakulka not required but recommended. Previous versions...
Can you try updating to the latest version of `lottie-react-native`?
v4.0.0 is just released. It contains three large changes: - Fix react-native 0.64 compatibility - Windows support [C#] - macOS Support (based on react-native-windows) So I would really appreciate if...