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[Feature Request] Ability to save position calibration.
Im not sure if its possible, but would it be possible to save the calibration so we don't have to "reset position" calibrate everytime? I think right now it basically auto "resets" when the application starts up (correct me if im wrong), but I wonder if it would be nice to actually be able to save "positions" or at least the last position that was used rather than recalibrating every time?
Thank you for making a separate issue. In theory it would be possible, but I am not quite sure what the use case would be. Things would probably look quite odd, if the coordinate system from a previous session was applied.
Could your use case be covered by the custom default camera positions that can be set up in the general settings? They do not affect the webcam "calibration", but the virtual camera inside VSeeFace, so they're much more easy to control.
Maybe I don't understand how it works but if the webcam itself doesn't move, wouldnt using the previous calibration result in the exact same results every time? I actually have my webcam like 45 degrees to the side but i have the in-world camera straight on so its kind of weird. When i move my head forward it also moves it to the left probably because relative to the camera my head is moving to the left.
Thanks, didn't know the custom camera also had rotation ability, going to try syncing looking straight at the camera and then turning to look at my screen, and then rotating the custom camera 45 degrees in the app to make it look straight on. But would still be nice if I didnt have to do that every time and have it saved the whole setup.
Maybe I don't understand how it works but if the webcam itself doesn't move, wouldnt using the previous calibration result in the exact same results every time?
Due to how it works internally, not necessarily. The coordinate system may differ a bit between runs.
I actually have my webcam like 45 degrees to the side but i have the in-world camera straight on so its kind of weird. When i move my head forward it also moves it to the left probably because relative to the camera my head is moving to the left.
I think that if the head pose estimation starts off with the face at a relatively large angle like 45°, there can be some inaccuracies, because it cannot properly fit some of the landmarks to the internal 3D model of the face.
But would still be nice if I didnt have to do that every time and have it saved the whole setup.
How does it behave if you save a custom default camera position that is rotated to look 45° in the opposite direction and then look at the camera while starting VSeeFace? I believe in that case, it should hopefully end up with you looking in the correct direction once you turn back to the screen.
Thanks that more or less does work at least for the head although the rest of the body is now facing to the side, at least its an area i can play around with a bit to see how it looks.
For the body, you may be able to adjust its movement with the body stiffness slider.
Thanks, that fixed that problem. What I have to do is set the stiffness to 0 and then the body bounces behind me and then i increase the stiffness again and it stays there until the next "reset".