Emile Mathieu
Emile Mathieu
Would also love that! Would there be a way to specific a `sweep_id` so that a sweep launched with hydra via `-m` would appear in the wandb view?
Hi @nguigs, thanks for your answer. I'm particularity interested in SO(3) and the associated bi-invariant metric. I use `_SpecialOrthogonalMatrices` but couldn't (by default) leverage Rodrigues formula when computing the exponential...
@gwenzek Logging the `env` seems like a good idea indeed. Concerning the `executable` I'm not sure to understand why going through the `Executor` would change?
Thanks @Daniel-Dodd for your answer! Would you by any chance be able to tell a bit about the core idea in how to get a `seamless extension`? By rearranging/reshaping the...
@Daniel-Dodd would you have any update regarding this `MOGPJax` package by any chance?
Hello, I am also wondering what is the while loop for? @stevenygd Best, Emile
So would you know how to compute `logpdf(ExpTiltedSigma(sigma, tau))` (at least for `sigma=0.5`) and the `logpdf` of `p(Vj | V_1, ..., V_{j-1}, T)` for the NGGP (at least for the...
I agree, but the way to compute such a joint in a PPL is to replay the model and when a sample/assume statement is encountered, the (log)pdf - associated with...
Good idea for the sigma-Stable density ! Otherwise do you have an idea for the density of `p(Vj | V_1, ..., V_{j-1}, T)` ?