mpv-notify-send icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mpv-notify-send copied to clipboard

A Lua script for mpv to send notifications with notify-send(1).

=============== mpv-notify-send

This is a simple Lua script for mpv_ that sends notifications about the playing media. It uses notify-send(1) and should therefore work with any libnotify-compatible notifications daemon. It reports title, album and year if available, and shows a cover image if present in the same directory as the media file (embedded images aren’t currently supported).

.. _mpv:


.. image:: screenshot.jpg :alt: A screenshot of GNOME displaying a notification with title “Guilford Avenue Bridge” and body “Dan Deacon — America (2012)” as mpv plays the corresponding track. :width: 1125 :height: 750


Either copy/link notify-send.lua into $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mpv/scripts, or set script=/path/to/notify-send.lua in mpv.conf or on the command line.

If you use Nix(OS)_ then you can install default.nix directly or use the included overlay.nix in your configuration.nix:

.. code:: nix

{ pkgs, ... }:

{ nixpkgs.overlays = [ # ... (import /path/to/mpv-notify-send/overlay.nix) ];

# ...

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
  # ...

environment.pathsToLink = ["/share/mpv"];


You can then link <nix profile>/share/mpv/scripts/notify-send.lua (e.g. /run/current-system/sw/share/... on NixOS, $HOME/.nix-profile/share/... when using nix-env) into $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mpv/scripts.

.. _Nix(OS):


mpv-notify-send is licensed under the WTFPL_.