mora copied to clipboard
Builds failing due to missing goproperties repo
I'm trying to build mora in a new environment, but it's failing because it looks like the emicklei/goproperties repository has been deleted from github: Was this intentional? I think I was building successfully last month when I thinks this repo still existed.
$ go get
# cd .; git clone /tmp/gocode/src/
Cloning into '/tmp/gocode/src/'...
ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
I found the original upstream repo at dmotylev/goproperties, so I'm not sure if mora could be switched over to use that directly, or if there was relevant changes in your forked repo that are needed.
oops, deleted while thinking i didn't use it anymore. Most other projects are using the properties package of frank schroder. sorry about this mistake. At the moment i am on a 3wk holiday with limited access. Maybe you are willing to create a PR for this?
ps the pkg i was referring to is magiconair/properties
No worries or rush on your holiday. Thanks for the pointer on the magiconair/properties library. I've submitted a pull request using that library instead, and that seems to be working for my purposes. Thanks!