glassy-gnome copied to clipboard
To bring opacity features to gnome windows. Could you please update it - the version only supports 3.34
Hello, plugin creates huge flickering of windows and shadows with actual gnome version 3.36.2. Tested on manjaro 20.
In a fresh clone, just running make leaves me with this error: ``` £ make npx eslint -c ./.eslintrc.js ./glassygnome@emiapwil/*.js npx: installed 118 in 13.857s Oops! Something went wrong! :(...
when I activate this plugin windows shakes and doesnt work properly, thats will be great if you add some settings to the extension, Thanks in an advance!!!
arch linux gnome 3.34, only other windows show through when transparency is decreased, instead of windows and background
when windows are opacified artifacts show on screen while moving
Hi, Compiz have a plugin "Opacity, Brightness and Saturation" with the similar functionality as your extension but it uses keybinding scheme that I find as a very convinient: Alt +...
Hi, I have seen transparency effect when I played LIMBO the game (you must know it, saling on Steam). You can see the white right angles at back picture. This...
Just a drive-by dump of some errors I'm noticing in `syslog/journald` Version: `v16` OS: Pop_OS 19.04 (aka a "skinned/extension-ed" Ubuntu 19.04) What was I doing? Changing transparency with shortcut SUPER+9,...