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SIP library for writing fast SIP servers in GO


Go Report Card Used By Coverage License GitHub go.mod Go version

SIPGO is library for writing fast SIP services in GO language.
It comes with SIP stack (RFC 3261|RFC3581) optimized for fast parsing.

For extra functionality checkout also It adds media, rtp, sdp, softphone creation on top of sipgo more easily.

Fetch lib with:

go get


*If you like/use project currently or need additional help/support checkout Support section

You can follow on X/Twitter for more updates.

More on documentation you can find on Go doc

Supported protocols

  • [x] UDP
  • [x] TCP
  • [x] TLS
  • [x] WS
  • [x] WSS


  • Stateful proxy example/proxysip
  • Register with authentication example/register
  • RTP echo with sipgox example/dialog

Also thanks to pion project sharing this example of using SIPgo with webrtc:

  • original post on X

Tools developed:

  • CLI softphone for easy testing gophone
  • Simple proxy where NAT is problem psip
  • ... your tool can be here


As example you can find example/proxysip as simple version of statefull proxy. It is used for stress testing with sipp. To find out more about performance check the latest results:

Used By


If you are using in company, your logo can be here.


Lib allows you to write easily sip servers, clients, stateful proxies, registrars or any sip routing. Writing in GO we are not limited to handle SIP requests/responses in many ways, or to integrate and scale with any external services (databases, caches...).

UAS/UAC build

Using server or client handle for UA you can build incoming or outgoing requests.

ua, _ := sipgo.NewUA() // Build user agent
srv, _ := sipgo.NewServer(ua) // Creating server handle for ua
client, _ := sipgo.NewClient(ua) // Creating client handle for ua

// For registrars
// srv.OnRegister(registerHandler)
ctx, _ := signal.NotifyContext(ctx, os.Interrupt)
go srv.ListenAndServe(ctx, "udp", "")
go srv.ListenAndServe(ctx, "tcp", "")
go srv.ListenAndServe(ctx, "ws", "")
  • Server handle creates listeners and reacts on incoming requests. More on server transactions
  • Client handle allows creating transaction requests More on client transactions

TLS transports

// TLS
conf :=  sipgo.GenerateTLSConfig(certFile, keyFile, rootPems)
srv.ListenAndServeTLS(ctx, "tcp", "", conf)
srv.ListenAndServeTLS(ctx, "ws", "", conf)

UAC first

If you are acting as client first, you can say to client which host:port to use, and this connection will be reused until closing UA. Any request received can be still processed with server handle.

ua, _ := sipgo.NewUA() // Build user agent
defer ua.Close()

client, _ := sipgo.NewClient(ua, sipgo.WithClientHostname(""), sipgo.WithClientPort(5060))
server, _ := sipgo.NewServer(ua) 
srv.OnBye(func(req *sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction)) {
    // This will be received on

tx, err := client.TransactionRequest(ctx, sip.NewRequest(sip.INVITE, recipient)) 

Server Transaction

Server transaction is passed on handler

// Incoming request
srv.OnInvite(func(req *sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction) {
    res := sip.NewResponseFromRequest(req, code, reason, body)
    // Send response

    select {
        case m := <-tx.Acks(): // Handle ACK . ACKs on 2xx are send as different request
        case m := <-tx.Cancels(): // Handle Cancel 
        case <-tx.Done():
            // Signal transaction is done. 
            // Check any errors with tx.Err() to have more info why terminated

    // terminating handler terminates Server transaction automaticaly

Server stateless response

srv := sipgo.NewServer()
func ackHandler(req *sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction) {
    res := sip.NewResponseFromRequest(req, code, reason, body)

Client Transaction

Using client handle allows easy creating and sending request. Unless you customize transaction request with opts by default client.TransactionRequest will build all other headers needed to pass correct sip request.

Here is full example:

ctx := context.Background()
client, _ := sipgo.NewClient(ua) // Creating client handle

// Request is either from server request handler or created
req.SetDestination("") // Change sip.Request destination
tx, err := client.TransactionRequest(ctx, req) // Send request and get client transaction handle

defer tx.Terminate() // Client Transaction must be terminated for cleanup

select {
    case res := <-tx.Responses():
    // Handle responses
    case <-tx.Done():
    // Wait for termination

Client stateless request

client, _ := sipgo.NewClient(ua) // Creating client handle
req := sip.NewRequest(method, recipient)
// Send request and forget

Dialog handling

DialogClient and DialogServer allow easier managing multiple dialog (Calls) sessions. They are seperated based on your request context, but they act more like peer. They both need client handle to be able send request and server handle to accept request.


ua, _ := sipgo.NewUA() // Build user agent
srv, _ := sipgo.NewServer(ua) // Creating server handle
client, _ := sipgo.NewClient(ua) // Creating client handle

contactHDR := sip.ContactHeader{
    Address: sip.Uri{User: "test", Host: "", Port: 5088},
dialogCli := sipgo.NewDialogClient(client, contactHDR)

// Attach Bye handling for dialog
srv.OnBye(func(req *sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction) {
    err := dialogCli.ReadBye(req, tx)
    //handle error

// Create dialog session
dialog, err := dialogCli.Invite(ctx, recipientURI, nil)
defer dialog.Close() // Cleans up from dialog pool
// Wait for answer
err = dialog.WaitAnswer(ctx, AnswerOptions{})
// Check dialog response dialog.InviteResponse (SDP) and return ACK
err = dialog.Ack(ctx)
// Send BYE to terminate call
err = dialog.Bye(ctx)


ua, _ := sipgo.NewUA() // Build user agent
srv, _ := sipgo.NewServer(ua) // Creating server handle
client, _ := sipgo.NewClient(ua) // Creating client handle

uasContact := sip.ContactHeader{
    Address: sip.Uri{User: "test", Host: "", Port: 5099},
dialogSrv := sipgo.NewDialogServer(client, uasContact)

srv.OnInvite(func(req *sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction) {
    dlg, err := dialogSrv.ReadInvite(req, tx)
    // handle error
    dlg.Respond(sip.StatusTrying, "Trying", nil)
    dlg.Respond(sip.StatusOK, "OK", nil)
    // Instead Done also dlg.State() can be used for granular state checking

srv.OnAck(func(req *sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction) {
    dialogSrv.ReadAck(req, tx)

srv.OnBye(func(req *sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction) {
    dialogSrv.ReadBye(req, tx)

Stateful Proxy build

Proxy is combination client and server handle that creates server/client transaction. They need to share same ua same like uac/uas build.

Forwarding request is done via client handle:

ua, _ := sipgo.NewUA() // Build user agent
srv, _ := sipgo.NewServer(ua) // Creating server handle
client, _ := sipgo.NewClient(ua) // Creating client handle

srv.OnInvite(func(req *sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction) {
    ctx := context.Background()
    req.SetDestination("") // Change sip.Request destination
    // Start client transaction and relay our request. Add Via and Record-Route header
    clTx, err := client.TransactionRequest(ctx, req, sipgo.ClientRequestAddVia, sipgo.ClientRequestAddRecordRoute)
    // Send back response
    res := <-cltx.Responses()

SIP Debug

You can have full SIP messages dumped from transport into Debug level message.


sip.SIPDebug = true
Feb 24 23:32:26.493191 DBG UDP read <-
SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK.G3nCwpXAKJQ0T2oZUII70wuQx9NeXc61;alias
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-1-1-0
Record-Route: <sip:;transport=udp;lr>
Call-ID: [email protected]
From: "sipp" <sip:[email protected]>;tag=1SIPpTag001
To: "uac" <sip:[email protected]>
Server: Asterisk PBX 18.16.0
Content-Length:  0


If you find this project interesting for bigger support or consulting, you can contact me on mail

You can buy me a coffee in meantime on

For bugs features pls create issue.


E2E/integration testing

If you are interested using lib for your testing services then checkout article on how easy you can make calls and other


Library will be covered with more tests. Focus is more on benchmarking currently.

go test ./...  


This project was influenced by gosip, project by @ghetovoice, but started as new project to achieve best/better performance and to improve API. This unfortunately required many design changes, therefore this libraries are not compatible.