Elliot Metsger
Elliot Metsger
> Wow! @emetsger thank you so much for dedicating that amount of time to reproduce the potential bug in so many container environments. Very proud of you It's the least...
@lachauj I could repeat your failure with my [test case](https://github.com/emetsger/testcontainers-ryuk-testcase) ✅ I updated the [test matrix table above](https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-go/pull/2508#issuecomment-2094979445) to include Colima. **Edit**: This PR and the associated [moby/ryuk patch](https://github.com/testcontainers/moby-ryuk/pull/128) does...
## Summary Findings | Container Manager | Test Case Passes - Stock Testcontainers | Test Case Passes - with Healthcheck support | Notes | |----------------------|-----------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Docker | ✅ |...
## Fix Ok, I believe cd0a106 has the fix. It works with Rancher and Colima, 100% of the time ✅ 🎉 There is a race between `newReaper` and `lookUpReaperContainer`: `lookUpReaperContainer`...
Hey @jasminb, so I put together a proposed approach: ``` @Type("foo") class Foo { @Id String id; @Relationship(value = "...", resolve = true, strategy = ResolutionStrategy.REF) String relRef; } ```...
@jasminb If I rebase this after your recent merges would you consider this new annotation?
@jasminb just FYI, I rebased the PR against the tip of develop. I was thinking about renaming `ResolutionStrategy.OBJECT` to `ResolutionStrategy.DEREF`. I can also add some additional documentation on this feature...
This PR is a little lacking, but it does fix the [unit test](https://github.com/emetsger/jsonapi-converter/blob/0851e177490a5d86e932935af1c97b061505c07e/src/test/java/com/github/jasminb/jsonapi/models/collectionparsing/ResourceLinkageParsingTest.java#L208). The PR is lacking because in the absence of a resource linkage, it will invoke `ObjectMapper.readTree(byte[])` to...
69b1945 contains a unit test demonstrating the issue.
Just thinking out loud... It's not really feasible to implement a custom `RelationshipResolver` because it simply returns a byte array. Even if you were to deserialize the byte array into...