react-native-encrypted-storage copied to clipboard
Does not work with Android 12 (sdk 31)
Tried everything in my power (and very restricted Android knowledge) to get the package to work in my react-native project having targetSdkVersion 31 (btw needed to be able to properly run the app with RN 0.70.x on a M1 macbook). Whatever I do and change (upgrade/downgrade dependencies, change manifest settings) I keep getting the same error that boils down to something like:
<project-root>/node_modules/react-native-encrypted-storage/android/build/intermediates/tmp/manifest/androidTest/debug/tempFile1ProcessTestManifest10103025503043671682.xml:27:9-33:20 Error:
android:exported needs to be explicitly specified for element <$BootstrapActivity>. Apps targeting Android 12 and higher are required to specify an explicit value for `android:exported` when the corresponding component has an intent filter defined. See for details.
It just seems react-native-encrypted-storage just does not support Android 12, or I don't know how to properly configure it.
So I just hacked the build.gradle like this (line 28)
targetSdkVersion> ['EncryptedStorage_targetSdkVersion'].toInteger()
in order to make it build with the package's pre-scripted sdk version (29)
Obviously I would love to see this fixed properly or get help in how to configure it to work. Itmt I can also create a PR to promote this hack, just let me know pls.
Same for me, with latest RN 0.70.4, latest node LTS (18.12.1) and NPM 8.19.2.
Same for me, with latest RN 0.70.4, latest node LTS (18.12.1) and NPM 8.19.2.
Update to RN 0.70.5. See this issue.
Update to RN 0.70.5 does not fix the issue
This seems to be the only fix that works for me, hopefully it gets merged + released soon
Hey, I am upgrading my app from RN v0.68.6 to RN v0.70.7 and I ran into this issue. It wasn't an issue at RN v0.68.6 even though I was targeting Android 12 (31). Any further developments on a solid solution?
I am facing the same error on RN v0.72.3 and Android 13. Any solution? For the moment I switched to react-native-async-storage, it works!