news_app icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
news_app copied to clipboard

A news app to display news from several sources

News App

Zero bloatware and ads. Just News.

A news application which will get top headlines from all your favourite sources! API in use can be found at News API

Getting Started

This is flutter project. If you want to mess around with the code, clone the repo:


All you need to get this project running is to set up flutter in your system. To get started with flutter visit here Also. Get an api key from NewsAPI if you want to try it out yourself


Clone the project. Make sure you have an emulator running or a device connected to your pc

Run using:

flutter run

Built With

  • Flutter - Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
  • News API - API in use


  • Madhur Maurya - Creator - emem365


  • Again, a huge thanks to whose free api we use :)


  • If you'd like to contribute to this repository, please read