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Reflector keeps deleting manually mirrored secrets
I have an issue with reflector where after applying a mirror secret, it will get reflected correctly and then deleted later. I traced the event in the log but I do not understand why this happens.
Log states:
2022-07-11 20:16:20.993 +00:00 [INF] (ES.Kubernetes.Reflector.Core.SecretMirror) Auto-reflected xxx where permitted. Created 0 - Updated 0 - Deleted 2 - Validated 3.
The source secret has the following annotations:
reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-allowed: "true"
reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-auto-enabled: "true"
reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-auto-namespaces: some-namespaces
The secret is auto-reflected perfectly, the deletion behavior only affects manual mirrors. What am I doing wrong?
Automatically marked as stale due to no recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.
Removed stale label.
Removed stale label.
Please try the new version. This issue should be fixed. Please reopen if this is still a problem (some scenarios are extremely hard to reproduce and help is required to validate the fix).